No Statistics reported by the CCP can be trusted

1 year ago

07/06/2023 Nicole on The Wayne Dupree Podcast: The CCP will never tell people the real numbers of how many people died of COVID in China. And no statistics reported by the CCP can be trusted. People in China are reading the CCP-controlled propaganda. So the only thing correct from the CCP is the date and the weather in the newspaper. Everything else is lies.
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07/06/2023 妮可参加《韦恩·杜普里播客》:中共永远不会告诉人们因新冠病毒而死亡中国人的真实数字。中共报道的任何统计数据都是不可信的,中国人读到的新闻都是中共所控制的宣传,唯一可信的是报纸上的日期和天气,其他的一切都是谎言。
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