Nicole: The CCP has the financial liability to repay the trillions of debt to the U.S.

1 year ago

07/06/2023 Nicole on The Wayne Dupree Podcast: Before the CCP took over China in 1949, the Republic of China issued some gold denominated bonds and sold them to the U.S. Now together with the accumulated interests, the debt has reached trillions. The CCP has financial liability to pay back the money to the U.S. And it is up to this administration about whether they will have the political will to force the CCP to pay. But now we are not seeing any signs that they will take a tough stance against the CCP.
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07/06/2023 妮可参加《韦恩·杜普里播客》:在1949年中共接管中国之前,中华民国发行了一些以黄金为锚的债券并卖给美国。现在连同累计的利息,这笔债务已经达到数万亿美元。中共有金融义务偿还美国这笔钱。要看这届政府是否有政治意愿迫使中共支付。但是现在我们没有看到任何迹象他们会对中共采取强硬政策。
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