Truth vs Fiction

1 year ago

People who speak the truth generally understand the stark nature of the situation. They know exactly what is going on and are not hesitant to relay it with as much blunt force as possible.

We hate them the most simply because we don’t want to accept their answer. We know that they are right, and sometimes we are thinking the exact same thing, but for the most part, we don’t want to admit that the truth is the truth.

Whenever you feel that unexplained hatred or disdain when that one dude speaks up, it probably due to the fact that the truth is hard for you to swallow, and you aren’t ready for it. Logically speaking, we should freaking love these types of people, as their answers can typically provide easy solutions to a lot of confusing scenarios, but our emotions, pride, and ego get in the way of rational thoughts and cloud our judgement, making us believe that the only possible reaction to such clarity is to assume the “you-don’t-know-what-you’re-talking-about-so-shut-up” whining response.

Don’t hate these people; cherish them and be grateful that somebody has the courage to say what’s on everybody’s mind even though deep down inside, they know that someone is going to hate them for it. It takes a strong person to speak the truth, but it takes an even stronger person to accept it.

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