Two White Boys Look For The Real Kwame Brown

1 year ago

After a thirteen year NBA career, Kwame Brown went viral in 2021 for a series of videos lambasting the media, American culture, bad politics, his former basketball teammates, and the treatment of black males. He sarcastically referred to himself as "living a bust life" as he criticized figures such as Charlamagne tha God, Stephen A. Smith, Tommy Sotomayor, and others. In this video, Alex Sheremet and Benjamin Studebaker analyze Kwame Brown's thought and natural conservatism, which Alex claims is different from the "media creation" conservatism of a Ben Shapiro or Candace Owens.

This video is clipped from a 3 hour, patron-only discussion with Benjamin Studebaker. Sign up for Patreon to get access:

Topics from the full discussion: Aristotle’s “Vulgar Craftsman”; how the lack of writing hurts podcasters & other speakers; the peak message board era; the current Ph.D. landscape; how Raul Hilberg’s Holocaust research stymied his career; how the 2008 crisis shaped Benjamin Studebaker’s political awakening; the (illegal) Libya intervention & death of Gaddafi; comparing the 2008 and post-2020 austerity regimes; Trump vs. Hillary voter naivete; more on conspiracy theories; why Benjamin Studebaker is skeptical of affirmative action; Alex’s high school experiences in the hood; is meritocracy possible; how Benjamin Studebaker turned Alex on to Kwame Brown; black girl magic vs. black boy magic; Clarence Thomas is insulted so hard that Alex fears losing his YouTube channel; political theory in the academy; the dream-eating democracy; if the Left secures its goals, wouldn’t citizens drop out of politics altogether; assessing the 2024 presidential race; is Cornel West a serious candidate

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Tags: #kwamebrown #nba #politics #trending #conservative

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