Are Private Membership Associations (PMAs) the Only Way to Bypass the FDA and Get Top Healthcare?

1 year ago

Are Private Membership Associations (PMAs) the Only Way to Bypass the FDA and Get Top Healthcare?
Dan Wheeler - Physicians & Patients Reclaiming Medicine (PPRM)
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Both during and outside of Covid, doctors who break protocols have endured bankrupting scrutiny from hospitals, insurers, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and licensing boards. Hospitals use sham peer review, insurers credentialing, FDA drug approval, and licensing scope of practice investigations. Combined they enforce protocols governed by pharma profits. But Professor John Ionnides found that at least one-third of all (chemical) medications approved by the FDA and peer-reviewed in journals don’t work. Further, despite spending more on health care than any other nation, we have the worst disease outcomes and have seen chronic illness handicap more than half the population.

So, what do self-thinking patients and maverick doctors do to take care of their health? They turn to the “PMA,” or Private Membership Association legal model. A bank lawyer by day, Mr. Wheeler is working with these and helping health freedom groups brainstorm ways to give and receive care from trusted doctors. One way or another, we will get the freedom of choice in healthcare that we want and deserve.

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