Frequency Wave Clouds above Russia

1 year ago

Um.. Dahboo, they appear lighter in front of darker clouds and darker in front of lighter clouds. Keep in mind, light is reflecting off the cloud, so making it appear either in light or as shadow. Might need to start calling you DUHboo. The thumbnail was taken along I-10 near Yuma. AZ (U.S.A.). Driven it enough to tell you that the "Foothills" community is just on the other side of those mountains and the camera is directed SW. No explanation was offered or known.

Also, YMACS and YPG (marine air corp station and proving grounds) area. Seen lots of stuff in sky, there, from long-lasting flares to Apache choppers who practiced surrounding me on the highway. I got out, took video (lost/erased by some dunderhead) and waved.
One of those black triangular aircraft, also, in Florence, AZ. The small town where, you may recall, DJT held a rally. Also, where the movie "Murphy's Romance" was filmed.

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