The condition for preserving the Catholic Church in Texas is separation from the Bergoglian sect

1 year ago

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Bishops of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate prepared a draft declaration for Joseph Strickland, Bishop of Tyler, Texas.

Draft declaration:
Dear priests, religious, brothers and sisters,
I, Bishop Joseph Strickland, hereby declare the separation of our diocese from the Bergoglian sect. I do so with the awareness of responsibility for the salvation of souls both before God and before the Catholic Church and for the sake of saving the Catholic faith and morals.
I recently commented on the following assertion: “Patrick Coffin has challenged the authenticity of Pope Francis,” and I said: “If this is accurate (that Patrick Coffin has questioned the legitimacy of the Pope) I disagree, I believe Pope Francis is the Pope but it is time for me to say that I reject his program of undermining the Deposit of Faith.” I concluded by an exhortation: “Follow Jesus.”
Now I repent for writing that “I believe Pope Francis is the Pope”. As a bishop, I must express myself clearly and not ambiguously on the fundamental truths on which salvation depends. I must therefore be very clear on the reality which is vital in the Church at the moment, namely: either Francis Bergoglio is a legitimate Pope, and then we as Catholics must obey and follow him, or Francis is not the legitimate Pope, and then we are obliged to separate ourselves from him. My saying that I believed in him being the Pope was erroneous and was an expression of a false belief that was not based on facts and was therefore not in accord with the truth. The facts testify to the public apostasy of Francis Bergoglio. My original statement was therefore a cowardly evasiveness and contradicted Catholic teaching based on Scripture and Tradition. The reality is that Francis is a manifest heretic. When I wrote that I believed Francis to be a valid Pope, I denied my saving faith by this public expression of a false faith. By doing so, however, I publicly betrayed Jesus Christ and caused confusion among ordinary Catholics. I therefore repentantly renounce my statement of false faith. I believe and profess all the truths of Catholic teaching, from which it follows that Francis Bergoglio is a public heretic who has incurred latae sententiae excommunication for his manifest heresies.
He advocates the legalization of homosexuality, thus abolishing God’s commandments. His next crime against the faith is that he has committed public idolatry by enthroning the Pachamama demon. He also publicly consecrated himself to demons and Satan in a shaman’s ritual in Canada. In this way, he destroys the fundamental truths of faith, which are related to the First Commandment of the Decalogue, and at the same time he destroys God’s laws and commandments as well as Christian morality. He is currently forcing the Catholic Church to legalize LGBTQ immorality. This is rebellion against God and suicide of the Catholic Church.
As a Catholic bishop, I cannot therefore recognize Francis Bergoglio as a true Catholic Pope, and if I did so, it was the sin of betraying Jesus Christ and His salvific teachings. That is why I am now doing public penance before the Triune God and before the entire Catholic Church. My concrete step of repentance is that I now publicly separate myself, along with the entire diocese for which I am responsible, from the Bergoglian sect.
I am grateful to the former Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith for his recent statement that a public heretic is not a valid Pope. All true Catholic bishops must fully agree with this statement.
I call on the bishops of Texas, America and the entire Catholic Church to do what I am doing.
If I do not separate myself from the Bergoglian sect for the sake of the salvation of my soul and your souls, sooner or later this sect will destroy me. You are all aware of the manipulative visitation that was done on the sly with this very hidden goal in mind.
I hereby express my appreciation to the heroic former US Nuncio, Carlo Maria Viganò, who called on Francis Bergoglio to resign. I call on you, dear priests, religious, brothers and sisters, to keep the Catholic faith pure for the salvation of your souls and stand together with me in defense of this faith, without which there is no salvation.
Your Bishop Joseph
July 5, 2023

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