Decoding the Labyrinth of Power

1 year ago

Both Mars and Mercury change signs soon, on 10 and 11 July, respectively, and this means big shifts for parts of the ongoing astrology. Mars and Mercury combinations can bring more subtle forms of action to the forefront.

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0:00 Introduction
2:03 11 July Chart: Mars in Virgo, Mercury in Leo
4:25 Transit Dates: Mars in Virgo, Mercury in Leo/Virgo
6:31 Mars in Virgo Meaning, Guile as a Weapon
12:57 Mercury and Mars Refranation
14:56 Oppositions to Saturn In Pisces
17:42 Chinatown (1974) as Emblematic of the Transits
20:23 Conclusion

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#astrology #Mars #Virgo

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