You May Have Nothing To Hide But You Still Have Something To Fear NSA Watching You

1 year ago

That satellite can see us from here? It can see everything. I’m telling you. Now, the way they’re tracking everything, and finding out what’s going on and narrowing it down. The government may not be watching, but somebody out there is watching. And it all pins down to one thing. Who is watching you? This was once a question asked only by kings, presidents, and public figures trying to dodge the paparazzi and criminals trying to evade the law. The rest of us had few occasions to worry about being tracked. But today the anxious question — “who’s watching?”

Is the Government Watching You?
Everyone just learned that the National Security Agency can pretty much grab phone records of anyone it wants without a warrant. In all likelihood, that's just the tip of the surveillance-state iceberg. You are an open book as far as America's spy... Everyone just learned, to no great surprise, that the National Security Agency can pretty much grab phone records of anyone it wants without a warrant. In all likelihood, that's just the tip of the surveillance-state iceberg—if it really, really thinks it should, the government can go through your email, watch you with satellites, and track every website you visit. You are an open book as far as America's spy agencies are concerned—the question is, do they want to read you? There's no way to find out what information, exactly, the government is interested in gathering, so we decided to walk around New York City and ask people if they thought they were being watched. Hope you guys have nothing to hide!

VICE: Do you think the government is watching you right now?
Will, former thief: Most definitely.

Why do you think so?
In order to keep order, I feel like the government needs to know exactly what you’re doing and how you’re doing it. I mean, there are cameras everywhere.

Have you done anything you don’t want them to see?
Of course, everybody has. When it comes to scratching together something, or stealing something.

Have you stolen anything recently?
Not recently. I’ve got guap.

Emily, bartender, comedian, teacher: I don’t know if they are watching me in particular. I think that if they wanted to they probably could.

Do you think they watch people in general?
I do.

How do they do it?
I’m pretty sure there are tons and tons of security cameras used for protection against terrorists. And I’m pretty sure if the government accused anyone of being a terrorist, they could use that footage or get any footage they would want to have.

So where are the cameras?
Uh, I don’t know. They exist. That’s how they get footage that they get from the bombings in Boston. I don’t know where it is, or who’s in charge, but it does exist.

Does it worry you?
No. I feel like I live pretty much above reproach. I’m not really breaking any laws. I don’t think I need to be worrying about those kind of things.

Do you think the government is watching you right now?
Ben: Possibly. It’s interesting because I actually work in Connecticut. I ride my bike back and forth to work. There were satellite pictures taken of me on my bycicle on the street.

So why do you think they’re watching you?
That’s kind of irrelevant. They just might be watching.

So what you're saying is, when the shit hits the fan, we’re all screwed.
Hey man, you’ve got to watch yourself out there.

Do you think the government is watching you right now?
Other Ben: Right this moment, at this site? Yeah, probably.

How come?
It’s a busy intersection. There’s probably cameras. Something like that.

Why do you think they’re watching you?
Not me specifically, right? Not me specifically. But everybody around me, the whole overview? Yes.

Why do you think they’re watching?
What happened in Boston recently, for example. I don’t know. I guess I agree with it. It’s always tough to accept something like that. It’s a necessary evil.

Mind if I snap a photo of you?
Sorry, man. That would be contributing to the whole thing, you know?

Clinton, UPS driver: Of course they are.

Really? How do you think they’re doing it, any why are they doing it?
The eye. [Points up] Someone is always watching you. That satellite. Believe me. Government’s always watching.

That satellite can see us from here?
It can see everything. I’m telling you. Now, the way they’re tracking everything, and finding out what’s going on and narrowing it down. The government may not be watching, but somebody out there is watching. And it all pins down to one thing.

What’s that one thing?
Somebody’s watching! Somebody’s watching, man. Somewhere.

You Are Now Enrolled In The Pentagon’s 4th-Generation-Warfare – “Sentient World Simulation” – SEAS (Synthetic Environment For Analysis and Simulation) Program.

Its the very dark New world Order utilizing a stealth robotic [AI super computer program] SKYNET surveillance [depopulation] control grid, a global ‘SWS’ which stands for ‘Sentient Worldwide Simulation’ using CERN/DWAVE’s synchrotons for synchronization and how their system’s AI can use ‘predictive programming.’ DHS, DoD, CIA, Pentagon, NSA (all of them) are running what is actually termed ‘Cybernetic Warfare’ with highly advanced technology. The PTB wanted full spectrum of dominance (sea, air, land) / IoT (Internet of all things) for total control of humanity.

The Sentient World Simulation (SWS) has as vast number of subjects to review. From computer language to clouds in the sky. They do not believe that we can understand what they are doing but, you can. It takes time and must be done in sections. I will send you to websites where all my information was found.

What if I told you that the Augmented Reality Games you see are only 1% of what Corporations (Retail IQ), Defense Contractors, and DoD itself has under their hats. DARPA, the Defense Advance Research Project Agency, run by the Defense Department has been planning to install the 4th Generation warfare right here in the “Homeland”. Seriously, by creating a real-time world simulation called the Sentient World Simulation (SWS) or the Synthetic Environment for Analysis and Simulations (SEAS).

Under the Defense Directive 511.11 the military set up what they described as the Office of Net Assessment. The objective to see 20-30 years into the future. So, how does one go about doing that since we don’t have crystal balls that actually are worth a shit. Well, let me explain and you can tell me if you wish to allow this to continue any further in the land of the free and home of the brave!

The Office of Net Assessment achieve their directive by creating a crystal ball, that actually uses a few techniques new to humans on earth. They rely on Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Geoengineering (Solar Radiation Management), 5G networks (for mind control), tissue engineering (bioengineering) and quantum computers. Elon Musk’s neural lace, well guess what, you’ve already inhaled it! I will breakdown this for you in digestible chunks taking you through each step. I must say that the corporations are all involved at the highest level. I will also explain how they take advantage of your metadata utilizing it to do predictive analysis of your shopping habits and more!

Everything I explain you can be verified and I EXPECT YOU TO VERIFY IT YOURSELF! If you can and it’s (not, sic) too late And, if you are not totally mind controlled yet or socially engineered by Artificial Intelligence by having private networks running by piggy backing off of your internet routers.

I want to include a something about myself. I have 2 associates degrees, in business, and computer information systems. I am a computer generalist and migrate software. However, I was able to figure out how we are all being Data Mined for the United Nations Eugenics Program. Look, this isn’t pretty but, they are doing this stuff OUT in the open. I know a little enough about all of the aspects to explain it layman’s terms to the general public.

I love being human, free, and able to make my own decision because, I have control of my own body. The repercussion of this will be the down fall of the human race, if we do not act soon. I pray that those of you that have the strength to stand up to the Assholes while we still can. Before, the 5G networks completely zap us full of Microwave Radiation Sickness. First up will be how to see if you are being targeted by artificial Intelligence data mining you.

What is Sentient World Simulation ? Its showed that Big Brother is not just eavesdropping and spying on the American people, he is also attempting to predict “what the target will do, where the target will go, who IT will turn to for help.

The Pentagon is running an artificial intelligence (AI) program to see how people will react to propaganda and to government-inflicted terror. The program is called Sentient World Simulation. Defense, intelligence, and homeland security officials are constructing a parallel world, on a computer, which the agencies will use to test propaganda messages and military strategies.

Called the Sentient World Simulation, the program uses AI routines based upon the psychological theories of Marty Seligman and others. (Seligman introduced the theory of “learned helplessness” in the 1960s, after shocking beagles until they cowered, urinating, on the bottom of their cages.) It features an avatar for each person in the real world, based upon data collected about us from government records and the internet.

Indeed, as noted by Boston University’s Journal of Science and Technology Law, Fox News, the Daily Telegraph and other sources, the Department of Homeland Security is developing an airport scanner to be able to read people’s minds and predict terrorist behavior.

Neuroscientists at UCLA say they can predict–using brain scanning–people’s behavior better than the people themselves can. And Northwestern University announced in July that scientists can read people’s brain waves to detect terrorism.

Is it possible and probable that Big Brother’s AI program is designed to manipulate the American public, to concentrate power, to take away the liberties and freedoms of the American people, and to induce chaos in order to achieve these ends?

What if, in the distant future, our government, or another government, or another species from outer space, creates a simulation that completely recreates physical reality? Would the sentient beings inside the simulation know that they were part of a simulated environment, or would they claim such a notion is ridiculous?

DOD simulation

The Department of Defense has unveiled its newest simulation project, a digital world with billions of nodes that represent every person on the planet. It’s called the Sentient World Simulation (SWS), and it will be a “synthetic mirror of the real world with automated continuous calibration with respect to current real-world information”. Perhaps even more interestingly, the project is considered a PSYOP, psychological operation, that will attempt to learn about how individual humans and mobs of humans react to certain situations.

Will the DOD integrate data mining from social media into this project, in order to increase the realism? And how will this simulation evolve as our technology advances? Is it completely beyond the realm of possibility that in time some of these ‘nodes’ may develop a form of sentience?

If so, perhaps Bostrom’s simulation theory isn’t so out there after all? Maybe we are the new simulation, developed centuries later, looking at the seed of our world’s birth in a military computer lab.

You Now Have a Digital Copy Of You Living Under the Control of the US Government 24/7 365 Days A Year Right Now. US Govt Develops a Matrix-Like World Simulating the Virtual You,” detailing a 2006 Purdue University paper titled, “Sentient World Simulation”.

It proposes building a “… continuously running, continually updated mirror model of the real world that can be used to predict and evaluate future events and courses of action.”

Turns out, it’s real and it is called the Synthetic Environment for Analysis and Simulations (SEAS). It is openly under the control of Homeland Security and the US Defense Dept. while possibly being connected to DARPA.

It “… is now capable of running real-time simulations for up to 62 nations, including Iraq, Afghanistan, and China. The simulations gobble up breaking news, census data, economic indicators, and climactic events in the real world, along with proprietary information such as military intelligence.”

– The Register: Sentient world: war games on the grandest scale

SEAS is now being used to:

experiment with psychological operations or PSYOPs.
help military leaders “develop and test multiple courses of action to anticipate and shape behaviors of adversaries, neutrals, and partners”.
predict and evaluate future events.

“The idea is to generate alternative futures with outcomes based on interactions between multiple sides,” said Purdue University professor Alok Chaturvedi, co-author of the SWS concept paper.

– help Fortune 500 companies with strategic planning in order to maximize profit.
– analyze “… the non-kinetic aspects of combat, things like the diplomatic, economic, political, infrastructure and social issues”. (Purdue Media)

As long as you have a smart device on or around you, you are feeding your sim data. Everywhere you go, everything you say around your device, everything you do on your device is slowly creating a mirror copy of you acting sentient in a simulated Earth.

They call your sim an “agent“.

“Agents are distinct entities such as types of customers and suppliers, citizens, channels, and competitors. Agents can be used to model any group of people whose actions are important to the organization’s outcome. The agents’ behaviors are defined by actual data that demonstrates how the agents have acted in the past. SEAS incorporates genetic algorithms that allow the agents to react and learn from its own actions as well as actions by other agents. It is through the combination of the continual actions and reactions of all the agents that produces a very real and life-like environment that allows an organization to test different strategies and analyze the outcomes of executing those strategies – all in a simulated environment.”

Back in 2009, PBS Nova reported:

“With the entire Internet and thousands of databases for a brain, the device will be able to respond almost instantaneously to complex questions posed by intelligence analysts. As more and more data is collected — through phone calls, credit card receipts, social networks like Facebook and MySpace, GPS tracks, cell phone geo-location, Internet searches, Amazon book purchases, even E-Z Pass toll records — it may one day be possible to know not just where people are and what they are doing, but what and how they think.”

Jan. 4, 2018: AI Can Now Decode Words Directly from Brain Waves

The research for this project began at Purdue University in 1993 while its development started somewhere in between 2001 and 2006.

2010: Eric Schmidt: Every 2 Days We Create As Much Information As We Did Up To 2003

2018: Over the last two years alone 90 percent of the data in the world was generated. – Bernard Marr, Forbes contributor

SEAS has had at least 13 – 18 years to evolve.

Imagine how developed our simulated counterpart has become. All of the events that are currently happening in the world were probably pre-tested before being implemented. If somehow an alternate reality slips through the cracks, they can just test that and steer it back towards their objective timeline.

For those that follow QAnon and believe 60,000 indictments are pending, I found this:

A new article by investigative reporter Christopher Ketcham reveals, a governmental unit operating in secret and with no oversight whatsoever is gathering massive amounts of data on every American and running artificial intelligence software to predict each American’s behavior, including “what the target will do, where the target will go, who it will turn to for help”.

What kind of Americans?

“Dissidents and activists of various stripes, political and tax protestors, lawyers and professors, publishers and journalists, gun owners, illegal aliens, foreign nationals, and a great many other harmless, average people.”

Still think that wall is to keep people out? Still think there is no way Q could be yet another PSYOP?

Government Shutdown Continues. We Are Now Entering the Endgame

I’m not sure anymore how to overcome the chains that bind us down. Every day I try to further my understanding and control over my frequency. I know that my consciousness can manipulate my reality, that it does help to raise the vibration of the collective human sound, but this …

The only solution I see requires a mass awakening – and it needs to happen soon.

What If Everything You Were Taught Was A Lie? All Info. shared in this channel is for non-hate and non-race and historical purposes to educate, elevate, entertain, enlighten, and empower through old and new film and document allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use.

Welcome To The New World Order - The Year Zero - The Real Origin of the World - National Anthem of the United States of America and Confederate States of America National Anthem and New World Order National Anthem Is "The Ostrich" Lyrics by Steppenwolf from the album 'Rest In Peace' 1967-1972 A.C.E. The Conspiracy to Rule Your Mind chronicles how the ruling elite have established global domination and the ability to effect the thoughts, decisions, and world view of human beings across the globe by systematically infiltrating the media, academia, industry, military and political factions under the guise of upholding democracy. Learn how this malevolent consortium has dedicated centuries to realize an oppressive and totalitarian rule through any means necessary, not limited to drug trafficking, money laundering, terror attacks and financial crisis within the world economy.

Worldwide tyranny is already in full effect, the food we eat and the air we breathe are not off limits. Will we be able to stop this madness before we become an electronically monitored, cashless society wherein ever man, woman and child is micro chipped? The New World Order is Upon Us - Preserve your liberty by being Prepared ! - We The People of the New World Order Thank You.

The Left/Right paradigm isn't only exposed by race and immigration issues. The Left and Right are in lockstep on every issue that really matters: The IRS. Income tax. Federal Reserve system. Endless wars. Endless expansion of tyranny and ever contracting liberty. Chronically wide-open borders. Suicidal immigration policies. Don't you see? The democrats and republicans exist only to provide the illusion of choice. A strong "us versus them" simulation in every election. It's ritualized tribalism. But the joke is, it doesn't matter which team wins, because both sides have the same agenda. God, guns and gays are phony "issues" to bolster the illusion of "difference" between the parties. The only thing that makes all this possible is that people aren't aware of the scam. Just knowing they are either "Team Red" or "Team Blue" liberates them from the responsibility of having to actually know or think anything. Then they feel righteous when their team wins, or despondent when they loose. It's no coincidence that the system works exactly like sports. There comes a point when ignorance and apathy become treason. We are past that point, people.

It's so easy to be overwhelmed and feel beaten by the amount of negative and discouraging information being spread by the mainstream (fake stream) media. There are truly awful people in WEF and WHO, who want to reduce us to the level of serfs or chattel, but we can resist, indeed, we must resist. Be calm, be objective and be positive. Right is Might. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing.” Nobody Is Safe From People's Republic Of The Tyrannical We The Sheeple People of The United States of America and A Real True Bill of State Rights Of Government July Forth 1776 The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution, which limit the power of the federal government and guarantee certain freedoms and rights to all colour of people and for the citizens of All America.

The Pentagon is running a neural network with massive computer-power, the SENTIENT WORLD SIMULATION.
The spooks have built a virtual world where they try out the latest psycho tricks on us, in order to stop us from rebelling against their horrendous crimes against humanity.

All mayor news stories is controlled by the CIA in what used to be called “THE GIANT WURLITZER”

The programme uses AI routines based upon the psychological theories of Marty Seligman, among others. (Seligman introduced the theory of “learned helplessness” in the 1960s, after shocking beagles until they cowered, urinating, on the bottom of their cages.)

Sentient World Simulation (SWS), is a “synthetic mirror of the real world with automated continuous calibration with respect to current real-world information” ”SWS provides an environment for testing Psychological Operations (PSYOP),” so that military leaders can “develop and test multiple courses of action to
anticipate and shape behaviors of adversaries, neutrals, and partners”

In the finest detail the simulation features an avatar for each person in the real world, based upon data collected about us from government records and the

Welcome to the Domestic Surveillance Directorate

The National Security Agency is responsible for carrying out three of the country's most important intelligence activities - Signals Intelligence (SIGINT), Information Assurance (IA), and Domestic Surveillance (DS). SIGINT involves intercepting, decrypting, and analyzing foreign adversaries' communications. IA involves the protection of America's U.S. government information systems. DS involves the collection and warehousing of all domestically-generated information streams.

The mission of the Domestic Surveillance Directorate is simple: Collect, process, and store U.S. citizen data for the good of the Nation. We cope with the overload of information in our environment and turn that overload to our strategic advantage. We provide the ability for ubiquitous, secure collaboration both within our agency and through its interactions with various partners. We penetrate into the "hard" targets that threaten our nation wherever, whenever, or whomever they may be.

We built a new data center to process the growing volume of information more quickly. Working closely with our partners, we are finding new ways to detect, report, and respond to all domestic threats. As the information age transforms the nation, we will also transform to keep our nation secure. We are the Domestic Surveillance Directorate. We work through you. For you. For our Nation.

Your Data: If You Have Nothing to Hide, You Have Nothing to Fear

Our value is founded on a unique and deep understanding of risks, vulnerabilities, mitigations, and threats. Domestic Surveillance plays a vital role in our national security by using advanced data mining systems to "connect the dots" to identify suspicious patterns.

Why We Collect Your Data
In the past, domestic law enforcement agencies collected data AFTER a suspect had been identified. This often resulted in lost intelligence and missed opportunities. But what if data could be collected in advance, BEFORE the target was known? What if the mere act of collecting data could result in the identification of new targets?

What if we could build a national data warehouse containing information about every person in the United States? Thanks to secret interpretations of the PATRIOT ACT, top-secret Fourth Amendment exceptions allowed by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, and broad cooperation at the local, state, and federal level, we can!

What Data We Collect
Every day, people leave a digital trail of electronic breadcrumbs as they go about their daily routine. They go to work using electronic fare cards; drive through intersections with traffic cameras; walk down the street past security cameras; surf the internet; pay for purchases with credit/debit cards; text or call their friends; and on and on.

There is no way to predict in advance which crucial piece of data will be the key to revealing a potential plot. The standard operating procedure for the Domestic Surveillance Directorate is to "collect all available information from all available sources all the time, every time, always".

In the spirit of openness and transparency, here is a partial list of current and planned future data collection targets:

internet searches (ie; here's a collection of searches by Federal Government workers)
websites visited
emails sent and received
social media activity (Facebook, Twitter, etc)
blogging activity including posts read, written, and commented on - View our patent
videos watched and/or uploaded online
photos viewed and/or uploaded online
mobile phone GPS-location data
mobile phone apps downloaded
phone call records - View our patent
text messages sent and received
Skype video calls
online purchases and auction transactions
credit card/ debit card transactions
financial information
legal documents
travel documents
health records
cable television shows watched and recorded
commuter toll records
electronic bus and subway passes / Smartpasses
facial recognition data from surveillance cameras
educational records
arrest records
driver license information

How We Collect Your Data
For information on how we collect your data, visit our Surveillance Techniques page on this website. For information about our new state-of-the-art Surveillance Data Center, visit our Utah Data Center information page.

How We Use Your Data
We treasure the U.S. Constitution and the rights it secures for all the people. In a world in which privacy has become illusory in so many areas of our lives, the Domestic Surveillance Directorate maintains the highest standards of integrity and lawful action. Your private data is safely secured using our custom database software called Cloudbase, which has fine-grained security to control access down to the cell level.

Threat Matrix Processing
Incoming transactional data is analyzed against a continually evolving threat matrix and is assigned an action code. The vast majority of these transactions are routed directly to a permanent static storage state. In fact, for most Americans, your data is never accessed or viewed by anyone within the US Government unless some future event triggers an inquiry. We work closely with our partners in the Intelligence Community to ensure that your stored data is released only as a result of a "national security" request.

Continuity of Government
Our strong commitment to keeping the Nation safe includes an important role in maintaining the Continuity of Government. Since the early 1980s, the federal government has used its secret Main Core database to track dissidents and watch listed Americans in the event of a national emergency. The roots of the Domestic Surveillance Directorate can, in fact, be traced back to the early days of this program. We are proud to continue this tradition by sharing our data with the modern-day COG program.

Future Uses of Domestic Intelligence Data
In 2006, the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) was created to invest in high-risk, high-payoff classified programs uniquely designed to provide research and technical capabilities for the Intelligence Community. IARPA-funded researchers are currently studying novel ways of processing and analyzing the explosive growth of domestic data.

The Aladdin program seeks to extract intelligence information from the high volume of videos uploaded to the internet.
The Babel program is developing agile and robust speech recognition technology that can provide effective search capability for analysts to efficiently process massive amounts of real-world recorded speech.
The Knowledge Discovery and Dissemination (KDD) program will develop advanced analytic algorithms that can effectively draw inferences across multiple databases to allow the Intelligence Community to create virtual fusion centers enabling analysts to produce actionable intelligence.
The Socio-cultural Content in Language (SCIL) Program will develop novel algorithms, techniques and technologies to uncover the social actions and characteristics of members of a group (ie; within discussion forums, online comment sections, social media, etc.) by examining the language used in relation to acceptable social and cultural norms.
The Reynard Program starts from the premise that "real world" characteristics are reflected in "virtual world" behavior. The program seeks to identify behavioral indicators in online virtual worlds and "massively multiplayer online games" that are related to the real world characteristics of the users. Attributes of interest include gender, age, economic status, educational level, occupation, ideology or "world view", and physical geographic location.

Surveillance Techniques: How Your Data Becomes Our Data

In 2001, NSA published the secret "Transition 2001" report defining our strategy for the 21st century. No longer could we simply access analog communications using conventional means, the new digital world of globally-networked encrypted communications required a dramatic change to our surveillance strategy: NSA would need to "live on the network".

We've turned our nation's Internet and telecommunications companies into collection partners by installing filters in their facilities, serving them with secret court orders, building back doors into their software and acquiring keys to break their encryption.

Backdoor Searches
Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) provides us with a bonanza of "incidental" data collected from ordinary Americans communicating with foreigners targeted by this sweeping law. This convenient loophole allows us to peruse this database in our never-ending search for the elusive "needle in a haystack".

Our Domestic Intercept Stations
NSA technicians have installed intercept stations at key junction points, or switches, throughout the country. These switches are located in large windowless buildings owned by the major telecommunication companies and control the domestic internet traffic flow across the nation. A fiber optic splitter is placed on the incoming communication lines and routes the traffic to an NSA intercept station for processing.

View a sample route that internet data traverses from a home in Toronto to the San Francisco Art Institute passing through several NSA intercept stations.

Bulk Collection of U.S. Citizens' Phone Records
In the past, we used our close partnership with the FBI to collect bulk telephone records on an ongoing basis using a Top Secret order from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC). The metadata we collected from this program gave us information about what communications you sent and received, who you talked to, where you were when you talked to them, the lengths of your conversations, and what kind of device you were using.

In mid-2015, Congress passed the USA Freedom Act sadly ending this valuable bulk collection program for the time being.

Cellphone Tracking
Our bulk cellphone location tracking program captures almost 5 billion records a day and feeds into a massive 27 terabyte database storing information about the locations of a hundred million devices. By tapping into the cables that connect the mobile networks globally and working with our corporate partners to install intercept equipment, we can apply mathematical techniques that enable our analysts to map cellphone owners' relationships by correlating their patterns of movement over time with thousands or millions of other phone users who cross their paths. This "Co-traveler" program allows us to look for unknown associates of known intelligence targets by tracking people whose movements intersect.

FBI Aviation Surveillance Operations (FBI Hawk Owl Project)
An FBI fleet of over one hundred specially-modified Cessna planes equipped with sophisticated camera systems in steerable mounts that can provide detailed video, night vision, and infrared thermal imaging quietly fly circular routes daily around many major U.S. cities tracking targets and gathering intelligence. Some of the planes use “augmented reality” software and sophisticated surveillance technology capable of tracking thousands of cellphones users.

FBI Aerial Surveillance in the Continental U.S.A. S. 1595: Protecting Individuals From Mass Aerial Surveillance Act of 2015
In June 2015, a Senate bill was introduced to "protect" our citizens from Mass Aerial Surveillance. We are happy to report that no action has been taken on this bill and we have every confidence that Congress will agree with us that mass surveillance "IS" protection for our citizens. You can track the progress of this ill-advised bill.

Our Undersea Cable Tapping Strategy
By tapping into the worldwide network of undersea cables, our OAKSTAR, STORMBREW, BLARNEY and FAIRVIEW systems can process data as it flows across the internet. Each system is responsible for different types of intercepted data. For example, the BLARNEY system gathers metadata describing who is speaking to whom and through which networks and devices.

There are two methods employed for tapping into the undersea cable network. A modified nuclear submarine houses the technicians and gear needed to place the physical taps on the undersea cables along strategic points in the network. The second method involves using intercept probes at the point where the cables connect to the landing stations in various countries. These probes capture and copy the data as it flows onward.

XKeyscore: Our Real-Time Internet Monitoring Capability
As data flows through our worldwide data collection points, the XKeyscore system indexes and stores this information in a rolling three-day buffer database containing all internet activity passing through each collection site. XKeyscore is a massive distributed Linux cluster with over 700 servers distributed around the world.

The theory behind XKeyscore is simple: People spend a large amount of time on the web performing actions that are anonymous. We can use this traffic to detect anomalies which can lead us to intelligence by itself, or provide a selection path for further inquiries. Examples of anomalous events: Someone searching the web for "suspicious stuff" or someone who is using encryption.

Surveillance Data from Other Sources
In addition to our own data collection activities, the Domestic Surveillance Directorate receives a constant flow of information from other sources. For more information about these sources, visit Our Partners page.

Our Partners
Domestic Surveillance is a team sport. Our success depends upon our partnership with other federal, state, and local agencies. The USA PATRIOT Act was passed in 2001 for the purpose of "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism". This far-reaching law gave us a wide range of new tools to detect and prevent terrorism. Our partners transmit a steady flow of intelligence information 24-hours a day from across the nation. The incoming data is indexed, stored, and shared throughout the Intelligence Community on our massive cloud computing network.

Suspicious Activity Reporting - Fusion Centers
The Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Initiative (NSI) is a collaborative effort led by the U.S. Department of Justice in partnership with the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, and state and local law enforcement partners. This initiative establishes a national capacity for gathering, documenting, processing, analyzing, and sharing SAR information gathered by fusion centers across the county.

Located in states and major urban areas, fusion centers are uniquely situated to empower front-line law enforcement, public safety, fire service, emergency response, public health, and private sector security personnel to gather and share domestic threat-related information.

The National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) operates as a partnership of more than 16 organizations including the CIA, FBI, State Department, Defense Department, Homeland Security; and other agencies that provide unique expertise such as the Departments of Energy, Treasury, Agriculture, Transportation, and Health and Human Services.

The NCTC is the primary organization for analyzing and integrating all foreign and domestic terrorism-related intelligence possessed or acquired by the United States. It was also recently given the authority to examine the government files of U.S. citizens for possible criminal behavior, even if there is no reason to suspect them.

FBI Terrorist Screening Center The FBI Terrorist Screening Center (TSC) was established in 2003 by Homeland Security Presidential Directive 6 which directed that a center be established to consolidate the government's approach to terrorism screening. The TSC maintains the U.S. government's consolidated Terrorist Watch list, a single database of identifying information about those known or reasonably suspected of being involved in terrorist activity.

FBI Surveillance Aircraft
FBI airplanes equipped with high-tech cameras and sophisticated surveillance technology capable of tracking thousands of cellphones below fly circular routes daily around many major U.S. cities tracking targets and gathering intelligence. The clickable map below shows the unusual flight patterns in some of the targeted areas.

Other Partnerships We Can Publicly Disclose

FBI - The FBI is our go-to partner for much of our nation's domestic surveillance needs:

Information collected from the use of National Security Letters authorized by the PATRIOT Act
Phone calls and text messages from the FBI Digital Collection System (DCSNet)
"Google-like" search capability of citizen information from the FBI Law Enforcement National Data Exchange Program (N-DEx)
Cell phone location tracking from the Stingray "IMSI catchers" (International Mobile Subscriber Identity) masquerading as cell phone towers
Massive FBI data-mining project with more than 1.5 billion government and private-sector records about citizens and foreigners collected by the FBI’s National Security Analysis Center (NSAC)

CIA - The Central Intelligence Agency has publicly committed to increasing its data collection efforts. CIA Chief Technology Officer Gus Hunt explains why: "The value of any piece of information is only known when you can connect it with something else that arrives at a future point in time. Since you can't connect dots you don't have, we fundamentally try to collect everything and hang on to it forever."

DHS - TSA airline passenger data; surveillance data from unmanned domestic Predator B drones patrolling the northern and southern borders

Treasury - Cash Transaction Reporting and Suspicious Activity Reporting data

U.S. Postal Service - The exterior of every piece of paper mail processed in the United States is photographed and stored by the "Mail Isolation Control and Tracking program". Some post offices have installed hidden cameras outside to capture and record the license plates and facial features of customers leaving the parking lots.

United States Congress - In 2011, Congress extended three key provisions of the PATRIOT Act for another four years. (Senate vote / House vote). In 2012, Congress reauthorized the FISA Amendments Act. (Senate vote / House vote). In 2015, both houses of Congress passed the USA Freedom Act which legally codifies our dragnet data collection while happily appeasing the civil liberties folks (a double win!).

State/Local government - Electronic transit cards; electronic toll collectors; vehicle information and location data captured by license plate readers; public transportation video/audio surveillance systems

Yahoo - Secretly searches all of its customers' incoming emails for specific character strings provided by the NSA/FBI.

The pineal gland is a small endocrine gland located in the epithalamus, near the center of the brain, between the two hemispheres. It produces melatonin, a serotonin-derived hormone that modulates sleep patterns in both circadian and seasonal cycles. The shape of the gland resembles a pine cone, giving it its name. The main function of the pineal gland is to receive information about the state of the light-dark cycle from the environment and convey this information by the production and secretion of melatonin. The pineal gland contains high levels of calcium and can be used by radiographers to mark the middle of the brain in X-ray images.

What is the Third Eye?
The pineal gland is a pea-sized gland shaped like a pine cone, located in the vertebrate brain near the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Also known as the third eye, it is a revered tool of seers and mystics and considered to be the organ of supreme universal connection. Its significance appears in every ancient culture throughout the world. For example, in Ayurvedic philosophy, the third eye is represented by the Ajna chakra and in Ancient Egypt, the symbol of the Eye of Horus mirrors the placement of the pineal gland in the profile of the human head. The third eye is connected to clarity, concentration, imagination and intuition.

The Third Eye in Biology
The pineal gland represents the third eye in biology, which produces melatonin. Melatonin controls circadian rhythms and reproductive hormones. This makes the pineal a master regulator of time, affecting not only our sleep patterns but also our sexual maturation. Melatonin also affects our stress and ability to adapt to a changing world. This third eye activates when exposed to light, and has a number of biological functions in controlling the biorhythms of the body. It works in harmony with the hypothalamus gland which directs the body’s thirst, hunger, sexual desire and the biological clock that determines our aging process.

Significance of the Third Eye
Developing the third eye is the doorway to all things psychic—telepathy, clairvoyance, lucid dreaming and astral projection. The illusion of separation between self and spirit dissolves when the third eye connection is cultivated. Metaphysical ways of being are connected to the third eye, such as how to be awake within the dream, to walk between realities and surpass the limitations of humanity.

Why You Should Awaken Your Third Eye
A blocked third eye or ajna chakra is said to lead to confusion, uncertainty, cynicism, jealousy and pessimism. Through an open and vibrant third eye, the highest source of ethereal energy may enter. While the physical eyes perceive the physical world, the third eye sees the true world — a unified whole with an unyielding connection to spirit. A list of the benefits and abilities the third eye brings include clarity, concentration, perspicuity, bliss, intuition, decisiveness and insight. The third eye has been linked to lucid dreaming, astral projection, quality of sleep, enhanced imagination and aura viewing.

How Does Calcification Occur?
The calcification of the pineal gland is common if the third eye is not being used or as a result of diets rich in fluoride and calcium. Calcification is the build up of calcium phosphate crystals in various parts of the body. This process occurs because of toxins in everyday products, like fluoride, hormones and additives, sugars and artificial sweeteners. Radiation from cell phone use and electric and magnetic fields may have negative impacts on the pineal gland as well. Some conspiracy theorists believe mass media campaigns advocating the use of fluoride and calcium are motivated by government control programs.

Most animals have pineal glands, often larger than human pineal glands, that drive instinctual knowledge. While your pineal gland may be neglected and decalcified, celebrate that you indeed have a pineal gland. Start your activation practice simply by sending gratitude to your third eye for your innate intuitive abilities and your connection to nature through the circadian rhythms that the pineal gland governs.

Spend 10 minutes each day consciously activating your third eye through meditation, chanting, prayer, dance or yoga.

Six Ways to Awaken Third Eye
Through decalcification and activation, reclaim your path to ecstatic bliss and union with source:

Avoid Fluoride
Pay close attention to the water in your life: tap water is a source of fluoride, which contributes to pineal gland calcification. Fluoridated toothpaste is another prominent source of fluoride in modern diets, as are inorganic produce and artificial drinks made with impure water. Consider adding water filters to your sink and shower faucets.

Supplement Your Diet
The list of supplements that support and detoxify the third eye is long and includes raw cacao, goji berries, garlic, lemons, watermelon, bananas, honey, coconut oil, hemp seeds, cilantro, seaweed, honey, chlorella, spirulina, blue-green algae, raw apple cider vinegar, zeolite, ginseng, borax, Vitamin D3, bentonite clay and chlorophyll are all ingredients that aide purification of the pineal gland.

Use Essentials Oils
Many essential oils stimulate the pineal gland and facilitate states of spiritual awareness, including lavender, sandalwood, frankincense, parsley and pine. Essential oils may be inhaled directly, added to body oil, burned in a diffuser and added to bathwater.

The sun is a great source of power. Gaze gently at the sun during the first few minutes of sunrise and last few minutes of sunset to boost your pineal gland.

Meditate and Chant
Meditation activates the pineal gland through intention: consider visualizing the decalcification of the pineal gland, as its sacred nature is illuminated and directly connected to source. Chanting causes the tetrahedron bone in the nose to resonate, which causes stimulation of the pineal gland. Considering chanting “Om,” also known as the sound of the universe, 108 times each day.

Collaborate With Crystals
Crystals are influential allies in the quest to awaken the third eye. Use crystals and gemstones in the purple, indigo and violet color palette. This color palette serves to awaken, balance, align and nurture the third eye. Try amethyst, purple sapphire, purple violet tourmaline, rhodonite and sodalite. Place the crystal or gemstone between and slightly above the brow during meditation.

Let Your Intuition Shine
Once you begin working with your third eye, you will begin to receive guidance messages and visions. Strive to have the courage to follow through on what your intuition offers and your third eye strength will only grow.

What is the Pineal Gland’s Function and How to Amplify It Did you know that you can develop intuition and improve your health at the same time?
Well, you can, through the pineal gland.

You may be asking, well, what is the pineal gland?

The pineal gland, also known as the pineal body, is a small pine cone shaped gland that lies deep inside the center of the brain in the epithalamus. It is a part of the endocrine system and helps to regulate melatonin, which is a chemical produced in the brain that helps the body sleep at night. The pineal gland function lies in governing the production of hormones as well as the maintenance of the circadian rhythm, which is essentially our sleep/wake cycle.

Almost all animals have a pineal gland and its role remained a mystery for a long time. The role of this tiny gland was one of the last to be discovered and has only recently begun to be understood. In fact, scientists are still studying it today and as of yet, it’s complete role and function has not been defined by researchers. It has long been associated with the idea of the “third eye”, which is a spiritual symbol of all-knowing according to yoga philosophy and often perceived as a gateway for the soul’s liberation.

In his book Kundalini Tantra, Swami Satyananda Saraswati says, “It has also been called ‘the eye of intuition‘, and it is the doorway through which the individual enters the astral and psychic dimension of consciousness. Perhaps the most common name for this chakra is “the third eye”, and the mystical traditions of every age and culture make abundant references to it. It is portrayed as a psychic eye located midway between the two physical eyes and it looks inward instead of outward.”

The idea of the third eye has also floated around science circles previously, as some believe the pineal gland is what has been leftover in the human brain of an actual, physical third eye which we eventually evolved out of. The gland itself is very small, about 1/3 of an inch long and is located in the center of the brain. It is a reddish-gray color and is primarily made up of pineal cells and neuroglia cells.

Calcification of the pineal gland often occurs as a result of excess fluoride and other mineral deposits. This may, in turn, affect the body’s ability to regulate melatonin and its circadian rhythm. The pineal gland is photosensitive and secretes less melatonin during the day and more at night; hence, why most people are awake during the day and feel tired for sleep at night time.

Swami Satyananda Saraswati says: “The pineal gland acts as a lock on the pituitary. As long as the pineal gland is healthy, the functions of the pituitary are controlled. However, in most of us, the pineal gland started to degenerate when we reached the age of eight, nine or ten. Then the pituitary began to function and to secrete various hormones which instigated our sexual consciousness, our sensuality and worldly personality. At this time, we began to lose touch with our spiritual heritage. However, through various yogic techniques, such as trataka and shambhavi mudra (third eye gazing), it is possible to regenerate or maintain the health of the pineal gland.”

The pituitary gland is a gland that acts as a master gland, controlling many of the hormonal functions in the body. It is located in the hypothalamus in the brain, which also contributes to our sleep/wake patterns This means the pituitary and pineal gland work together for proper function. Imbalances in the pineal gland (and pituitary) can lead to sleep disturbances and problems with your sleep/wake cycle. Therefore, this tiny, little gland plays a bigger role in our lives than previously thought!

Spirituality and the Third Eye
In addition to the physiological role the pineal gland plays in the body, it is also commonly associated with spiritual thought and mystical experiences. Ancient sages and mystics believed this area of the body to be the space for ascension and enlightenment through the brain/body. It is perceived as a bridge between our inner and outer worlds, as well as to a connection to something beyond what we know to exist, to a higher state of consciousness.

It was called the “seat of the soul” by French philosopher Descartes, although science has mostly discarded his sentiments. However, now that it has been proven that melatonin is in part regulated by the pineal gland, it does lend credibility to the fact that increased melatonin production can produce transcendent or mystical experiences during a waking state such as meditation through its function as a psychotropic chemical.

Outside the realm of science, the pineal gland is associated with the sixth chakra, called ajna or the “third eye” center located between your eyebrows (essentially deep back in your brain). The ancient yogis who wrote The Vedas in India between 1500-500 B.C. outlined a long time ago these physiological and psychic energy pathways that run through the body as a map we can still use today to better understand ourselves. When you strengthen and activate the third eye, you awaken intuition and inner wisdom on the path to Self-Realization.

It is the second to last step before reaching total enlightenment (according to yoga philosophy, which actually occurs through the crown of the head). Psychic energy is said to accumulate in this area of the brain and body.However, in the grand scheme of the world, when this center is active and open, you can better understand your role in life and the various signs and synchronicities that occur and point you in the right direction.

Symbolically, the third eye represents union on the path to cosmic consciousness, divine wisdom, inner knowing, and intuition. This is the place where the ego is left behind and the concept of duality begins to unwind in order to embrace unity or the concept of oneness.

Using this powerful center can teach you to trust in divine while managing your ability to focus your life to the best of your ability and play your part in the world. When this occurs, your actions, words, and choices reflect this state of being and a more peaceful existence is possible.

So how can you learn to amplify your pineal gland to live a better life?

Who doesn’t want a little more wisdom knowing they’re on the right path…

Here are 5 steps you can take to begin amplifying your pineal gland today:
1) Meditate Regularly
Meditation is one of the most popular ways to learn how to awaken your third eye and stimulate your pineal gland. Meditation stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system to relax the body and mind so that mundane thoughts of everyday life do not impede your ability to live a happy and healthy life.

There is research to support the fact that people who meditate have higher concentrations of melatonin than those who do not meditate. Closing the eyes during meditation stimulates the perception of darkness by the brain, which may be a reason for this occurring.

Mindfulness Meditation is a practical way to begin a meditation practice.

Find a quiet spot to sit comfortably, close your eyes and follow your breath.
Allow your focus to be completely absorbed in your breath. If your mind wanders, bring it back so that you become a witness to your breath.
Over time, you can choose what your focus is- perhaps it’s a body part, or a sound, or anything you can imagine.
2) Practice Gazing Meditation
According to ancient yogic philosophy, specific gazing techniques such as Trataka meditation can increase third eye activation. The most common way to practice Trataka is by candle gazing, or gazing at the flame of a candle without blinking for 1-3 minutes. Then, close your eyes and focus on the afterimage for several minutes until it disappears. You can repeat this several times in one session.

Another way of practicing this is to focus your eyes on a specific point in space, called dristhi in yoga. A common third eye meditation involves gazing at a spot in line with your nose, then gazing at the tip of your nose, and finally, directing your gaze upward to your brow or third eye area (called Shambhavi Mudra). You can practice each gazing point for up to 10 minutes each.

3) Try Color Visualization
Visualization is another way to amplify the power of your pineal gland and third eye center. In chakra theory from yoga philosophy, the Ajna chakra or third eye is the color indigo, which is a deep blue-purple color.

You can envision this color in your mind’s eye at the space between your brows or even deep back into the brain where the pineal gland resides. The Sanskrit word Ajna means “command”, so by visualizing this color here, you further activate your “command center” in order to live your life to its fullest potential by piercing obstacles in your path through your own willpower.

4) Eat Cleansing Foods
In order for the pineal gland to function at its optimum potential, a balanced and healthy diet is essential. Fluoride, which is frequently found in water supplies and toothpaste, calcifies the pineal gland, which lowers its function. Therefore, a cleansing diet rich in super-greens like spirulina and chlorophyll will be very beneficial for keeping the pineal gland active through the detoxification process and nutrients they provide.

5) Experiment with a Sensory Deprivation Tank
Because the pineal gland is photosensitive, exposing yourself to full sunlight as well as immersing yourself in total darkness at night will help to maintain a healthy pineal gland. If total darkness is not regularly possible, try a sensory deprivation tank. Also called “float tanks”, these containers allow you to be immersed in a closed tub of water where you feel like you can float, completely cut off from all of your senses.

The more that you practice these techniques, the more you will begin to ‘see’ a change in your life. Gradually, you will begin to notice a shift in your thinking, acting, and way of being. There are some telltale signs that your pineal gland is healthy as you activate your third eye center.

Signs You are Amplifying Your Third Eye
You find deeper meaning in the events that occur in your life
You understand that physical reality is a manifestation of duality, and your soul seeks to be liberated from this duality
You never feel alone, but instead feel connected to all things, animate and inanimate
You feel the vibration and rhythm of everything around you
Your senses are heightened (touch, taste, smell, hearing, sight)
You begin to see and feel your own energy body and others as well
You identify less with your ego sense
Negative emotions such as anger, greed, envy, and lust begin to disappear
Remember to enjoy the process and be patient with yourself as you try to incorporate these techniques to amplify the power of your pineal gland. This tiny little gland does a lot more than we give it credit for, so when we start to nurture this aspect of our mind, body and soul connection through regular healthy practices, big changes can happen. Let’s start amplifying the power of your pineal gland right now with a Mind bliss meditation called Pineal Gland Activation. Tap into an infinite sea of wisdom as you chant or receive the sound of AUM and theta waves. This meditation has a tremendous activation effect on the pineal gland which often dries up from exposure to a range of chemicals found in our environment and due to psycho-emotional traumas. It’s a great way to calm your nervous system.

Moody Blues' song "Om" features the chanting of the word "Om," which represents Aum, a sacred mantra in Hindu, Jain, Sikh, and Buddhist religions. - On a Threshold of a Dream - Days of Future Passed - Question Of Balance

The Moodys were so far ahead of their time and so underrated - their songs were simply brilliant and transcended all other bands. The Moodies were the most influential musicians of my teenage years. Their songs touched me profoundly, and while some of my friends felt they were boring musicians, I believed the Moodies were almost preaching with their lyrics. To me each song had a profound message that literally touched my soul, and to me that produced what I felt was a real spiritual high. Starting with Days of Future Passed, each succeeding album was eagerly anticipated and every single one released did not disappoint. Still to this day I get a tingle in my chest when I play some of my favorite Moodie ballads. I know that there are many of you out there who feel the same way about our beloved Moody Blues. The ideas in their first seven albums (the sacred 7) were the messages I needed to hear at the time. I still live my life by them. So far ahead of their time. And like the difference between shoot-em-up games and Myst, the Moodies are a unique and shining example of excellence.

The Electric Prunes - Mass in F Minor - Om is the Primordial Sound of the Universe

Om is the seed of transcendental sound, and it is through transcendental sound one can transform the mind and the senses. By chanting Om, the mind becomes aligned with the breath, which enables a person to get into an elevated state of consciousness called samadhi. So Rock Mass in F Minor is this Transcendental Sound of your Real Mind. The album was planned to combine religious and classical elements with psychedelic rock, in a religious-based rock-opera concept album.

Samadhi is the highest state of mental concentration that people can achieve while still bound to the body and which unites them with the highest reality.

Structure of the 13 Moon Calendar Dreamspell Calendar Explained Seven Chakras

The 13 Moon, 28-day calendar is a new standard of time for all people everywhere who desire a genuinely new world. If the calendar and time we follow is irregular, artificial and mechanized, so becomes our mind. As is our mind, so our world becomes, as is our world today: Irregular, artificial and mechanized. But if the calendar we follow is harmonic and in tune with natural cycles, so also will our mind become, and so we may return to a way of life more spiritual and in harmony with nature.

These 13 Moons can be put into the format of a wavespell: Here are the full names and Gregorian dates of the 13 Moons:

1. Magnetic Bat Moon (July 26-August 22)
2. Lunar Scorpion Moon (August 23-September 19)
3. Electric Deer Moon (September 20-October 17)
4. Self-existing Owl Moon (October 18-November 14)
5. Overtone Peacock Moon (November 15-December 12)
6. Rhythmic Lizard Moon (December 13-January 9)
7. Resonant Monkey Moon (January 10-February 6)
8. Galactic Hawk Moon (February 7-March 6)
9. Solar Jaguar Moon (March 7-April 3)
10. Planetary Dog Moon (April 4-May 1)
11. Spectral Serpent Moon (May 2-May 29)
12. Crystal Rabbit Moon (May 30-June 26)
13. Cosmic Turtle Moon (June 27-July 24)
Day Out of Time (July 25)

The Law of Time is a universal law and principle. It states that time is the universal factor of synchronization.

The Law of Time distinguishes between a natural timing frequency that governs the universal order, and an artificial timing frequency which sets modern human civilization apart from the rest of its environment, the biosphere.

Moon and The Sacred Feminine Energy and 13 Lucky Number 13;20 Hz of Goddess

The moon represents the feminine energy, just as the sun represents the masculine. In ancient times, when the magic was still alive in the hearts of people, these celestial bodies were more than just that, they carried certain qualities and energies. The patriarchal society turned their back on the feminine energy, demonized it and turned the number 13 into an unlucky number full of superstitions, when it actually represents the number of the Goddess.

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