@LucyPyre Gets Deez Nuts'd #vtuber #clips

1 year ago

@LucyPyre Gets Deez Nuts'd #vtuber #clips

Hello Gentle Viewers,

Demon Girl Vtuber Lucy Pyre was playing some Final Fantasy XVI recently when Chat got onto the topic of a specific type of meme. When one of her own mods expresses that there's a sigma surrounding these memes Lucy goes off but it turns out it was all just a setup. Let's check the tape.

Footage Clipped by Twitch User: https://www.twitch.tv/lmaocatgirls
CLIP URL: https://www.twitch.tv/lucypyre/clip/GenerousMildReindeerLitFam-8IWI3b8TBbH8bxTr

Please be sure to check out the socials for Lucy below! They are the reason this channel exists!! (Due to recent changes in Twitter policy I cannot verify Twitter links so I will be excluding them from listed socials until that policy is reversed)
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/lucypyre
YouTube: @LucyPyre
Discord: https://discord.gg/lucypyre
Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/lucypyre
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#vtuber #clips #twitch #twitchclips #twitchstreamer #retuber #vtuberen #video

If you like this video please check out: "@MeowMoonified Dating Be Like #vtuber #clips"

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