✈️ The ALARMING Truth About Vaccinated Pilots and the Lack of Airline Safety - Josh Yoder Interview

1 year ago

The airlines are NOT doing the screenings required to assess pilot health and passenger safety. Presumably, this is because doing those screenings would: 1) reveal to the public how unsafe the vaccines are and increase vaccine hesitancy, and 2) disqualify too many pilots. Yoder estimates that 30% of the pilots may need to be disqualified due to heart conditions caused by the vaccine. Therefore, the most likely outcome is that the airlines will pretend this incident never happened and the CDC will claim without evidence that there is no link to the vaccine like they usually do. The press will give them a pass on this and not ask any hard questions.
Josh Yoder Twitter: @JoshYoder
Website: US Freedom Flyers Stand For Medical Freedom Defending the health, safety, and freedom of flight crew and passengers: https://usfreedomflyers.org/
Video source: Man in America on Rumble
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