History Of SIDS: 1979 Sudden Infant Death Cover Up - Culprits Bought by Pfizer for $68 Billion

1 year ago

If this doesn't make you angry, nothing will. All the crimes being exposed by Pfizer and vaccine makers, and we constantly see fat unhealthy women smiling on their commercials promoting cancer causing toxins.

11 babies in close proximity in Tennessee took the same Wyeth/Pfizer DTP lot #64021 jab, died, received diagnosis of SIDS, 4\11 deaths occurred within 24 hours.

What did Wyeth do? They mixed up the lots so the deaths would disperse so the dots would be difficult to connect.

This is covering up murders. Plain as day, this is unthinkable criminal behavior.

Source Credit: Tim Truth -- https://rumble.com/v2ydov4-history-of-sudden-death-1979-infant-death-coverup-culprits-bought-by-pfizer.html?fbclid=IwAR250kgoG5_uuN1j39vtYMHRTc05m_L6YUoJAvL9cxI0T0bok_lVkec08VE

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