MOST Preachers LIE About This! What You MUST Know About SEX- Except It Be For Porneia-Rapture Soon 1

1 year ago

The rapture is soon and many have been deceived by lying pastors who are after your money. You need to know the truth for yourself and live accordingly so you won't be left behind. Single, married or divorced? Please watch while I read Except It Be For Porneia by Canadian evangelist Sean Bonitto- foreword, chapters 1-2 (pages 1-35 of 70).
Except It be for porneia
Definition of terms
Jewish wedding ceremony
Two Biblical examples

The Context of Matthew 19:1-12
Homosexuality condemned as sin
The permanency of marriage
Rabbinical schools of Shammai and Hillel
No divorce and remarriage after marriage ceremony
Porneia can only mean "fornication" Premarital unchastity
Divorce and Remarriage is the sin of Adultery
Understanding the permanency and seriousness of marriage

#raptureisclosenow #divorced #marriagematters

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