ISTJ (Lt. Gorman) in Ne-grip stress VS INTJ (Ripley) in Se-grip stress.

1 year ago

Ne-grip stress is basically fearing things pertaining to Ne, in this case the futures of others under Gorman's command; Se-grip stress is about acting in the moment, rather than being stuck in a form of paralysis.

While the Lt. might try to use Ne-anima to be a quasi-ENFP and pep-talk his troops, Ripley would go quasi-ESFP mode and actually do something about their situation basically. Words versus actions, practically.

Oh, and pardon the French essentially too; perhaps I should mute the swear words, but it's in the original film at least and I'm unsure how to use the video editor to do that yet. Maybe separate audio and cut segments, but IDK. Sorry anyways.

It's not as though we don't hear them constantly anyhow, unfortunately enough in this corrupt and fallen world; but, regardless what others do, we can choose to do better as individuals, essentially.

Either way, the focus is meant to be upon the stress responses of the two types, for the ISTJ Gorman and INTJ Ripley.

Oh, and for anyone unaware of the movie, it's Aliens, this segment being shot around my birthday in 1985 (or more particularly, when the troops exfil the hive back into the APC, but like this would be right before it, probably the same month.) It's one of my favorite movies, and I go by the saying "don't throw the baby out with the bathwater", of which it's relatively mild here compared to even other 80's movies.

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