Chemtrails, what they are spraying?

1 year ago

Thank you to everyone for allowing me to present some information regarding a serious issue in this country at present. I have studied meteorology for nearly 38 years, and the weather today is simply not behaving as it would normally do, with global disruption occurring due to the interference on a massive scale from mankind.
The reality is that the agricultural sector in Australia will be wiped out in the next 24 months, if some drastic action is not taken. The weather is being modified deliberately to induce a drought, with Australia being the specific target, whilst the majority of the world floods, due to record high cosmic rays, which increase cloud condensation nuclei, thus enhancing rainfall worldwide. We are going to see a La Nina develop in 2021-22, by then most farmers will be gone and our economy will be decimated if action isn’t taken, urgently.
In this presentation I will try to be brief, but the main part is that metals are sprayed into the sky at the Jetstream level by commercial planes, thereby allowing HAARP and /or Doppler radar to use frequencies that can microwave the air, by running at frequencies well over 10GHZ, and thus also allowing the steering of weather systems away from mainland Australia. I have included some slides showing this, I have compiled thousands of images, screenshots and GIFs over the last 12 months documenting everything taking place. Clearly I cannot include them all so I will try to explain this as best as I can in this presentation.

Inquiry into growing Australian agriculture to $100 billion by 2030 Submission 106
Before beginning, HAARP which stands for High Frequency Auroral Research Program, heats the Ionosphere to may thousands of degrees, creating artificial plasma. It is then used to reflect signals to submarines. After inventing this device in 1994, it is now being used to create earthquakes, and modify weather. This is the godfather if you like regarding weather modification ……

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