Is China safe? THE TRUTH!

1 year ago

How safe is China? 中国有多安全?As a person who has spent a decade in China, I definitely have some thoughts on the matter as well. From the handful of videos I watched on this topic I found that most of them were lacking in nuance and perspective. For example, a person who comes to travel in China for a week just simply won't have the amount of time and experience necessary in country to cover the topic adequately or accurately. Then some of the other videos discuss safety purely from the angle of, "If I walk down the street at night, will I get robbed or mugged?" That is certainly a question worth asking, but safety and a feeling of being 'safe' includes various other elements as well. For example, if you give an opinion that differs from the status quo in China and face harsh consequences, I believe that should also be considered when discussing the topic of safety. Safety includes a whole host of other things as well. Food safety. Safety regarding transportation (ie traffic accidents, etc). I mainly focus on safety in terms of safety while living or traveling in China. There are other safety-related issues that pertain moreso to locals and Chinese nationals that I do not get into in this video. I've done my best here to give a fair, unbiased take on the issue of 'Safety in China'. I hope you'll get something useful out of it and if you enjoy the video, please show some support for what I do by giving the video a thumbs up, dropping a comment and subscribing to the channel. Also, for glimpses into daily life in China, check me out on Patreon as well. Link here:

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