It’s bloody simple Australia.

1 year ago

What if I told you a story Australia. A tale so wonderful and strange it would blow the white socks of a tassie devil. Did ya’ know that if you are intrinsically connected to this great land, either born here or welcomed here. The drongos on the news keep telling us that we are all in debt and that “We” must pay this debt off. And you know what, for once I bloody well believe them. Here’s me thinking. If Australia is in debt, and Australia prints its own money, then that money must be instantly debt! Monies a bloody debt note. Now if we have a stake in this great country, native born or no, its no use trying to pay off the bloody debt with a bloody debt now is it! Ya’ see, the value isn’t in the money, it never has been. It’s in you! That’s right, in you! Who else is gunna bring forward all the wealth required to get ride of this horrific cancerous debt. The trick is ya’ see, our Great Southern Land might be broke, but they still give us everything we need to get the job done. Tools, shelter, dunnys, roads, breads and circuses, beaches and barbies; you know, our great bloody lifestyle. So instead of giving our Govner’ them debt notes, which is essentially more debt, you do what any corporation would do and that is discharge the bloody thing! In fact it’s the only damned thing that makes any sense. But guess what, you can’t just discharge the debt, that helps you but it doesn’t help the country ya’ selfish bastard. You have to set it off. If they reckon we are the asset for the countries future and our part of the debt alone is worth a good 3 Mill’ easy, then that makes us each worth at least 3 mill, intrinsically! We use ourselves then as collateral against the debt, see. We are essentially the security against which all the debts of the country can be written off. Not only that, but when we get back into credit with this Great Land of Ours they’ll bloody well know who did it, and it wasn’t the flaming government; it was you, the people. Well done people of Australia, now you’re advancin’! Just remember though, this is for the good of all, so work hard, respect each other and let’s build a better, debt free Australia together.

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