36V Lektro 88 Aircraft Tug Lithium Conversion

1 year ago

Not a Promotion, 36V Raptor Kit was purchased by Deep Cycle Battery San Diego. Video show an aircraft tug previously using six flooded lead acid L16 370ah batteries. Three Bigbattery 36V Lithium iron phosphate batteries are installed.
Always wear safety glasses and perform work on flat terrain. Never smoke near batteries.
Components used for install:
Bigbattery three 36V Raptor Kit
60A 720W 12v 36V to 12V Converter Voltage Converter Waterproof
36V Step Down to 24V 50A 1200W Converter Voltage Reducer, Waterproof DC/DC Buck Transformer Power Supply

Disclaimer: The above product links are affiliate links. That means that I am awarded a small commission from the vendors that is invested in making product videos - thank you

Link to DCB retail/wholesale business https://deepcyclebatterystore.com/

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Working with and installing electrical equipment is dangerous. Potential hazards include, but are not limited to electrocution and electrical fires. Always consult a licensed marine electrician when installing any electrical equipment.

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