Billie Woodard - Search 4 Truth Interview (Feb 2nd, 2012) [Full] ~ Hollow / Inner Earth Testimony

1 year ago

Billie is easily dismissible if you are judging too soon and not paying close enough attention. I HIGHLY recommend you watch this testimony till the end. This is one of thee best Hollow Earth testimonies out there. Billy Faye Woodard is a hermaphrodite(has both sex organs) who was brought here with his/her sister from Hollow Earth when they were infants. Billy was fast tracked into the Air Force at 15 years old because of his/her extremely high scores on the aptitude test. Billie was immediately given Full Bird Colonel rank within the first week of service at age 16. This is something absolutely unheard of. It usually takes 22 years to reach Colonel from the time you first get into service. This is the senior level responsibility. A top executive. All within the first week in at the age of 16. This is because the military was already expecting Billie and had a very special job already waiting. You'll get to hear about the creatures, beings, cities and technology in various inner earth cities, underground bases and also inside hollow earth along with much more. Watch it til the end. Again, if you just watch this in passing and don't watch this with your full focus and attention and you judge just by the way he looks or acts, you will easily dismiss this account way too soon, you will not continue to watch it and you will miss it. I've already seen it happen with people. If you are not a novice, you will see it. Truth is stranger than a lot of fiction in this world. One thing Ive learned over the years is that some of your strangest people are often some of your best and most legit players. Im def not trusting of just anyone. But Billie is legit imvho. Billie is going on about 81 now. People take a toll towards the end of their lives. They burn out. Keep that in mind when you listen to this. For whatever it's worth, SSP Navy whistleblower Mike from JTT who is still actively working in black programs confidently confirmed that Billie and Billies sister are legit. And I whole heartedly agree with him. Again, listen closely and watch til the end.

This video isn’t very easy to find anymore. It’s two parts. I edited them together into one easy to view version and just uploaded it for your viewing ease.

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