My son was SEGREGATED at school. Now we homeschool.

1 year ago

NYD #1 – Homeschooling

After a Canadian Health Authority repeatedly telephoned Diana Kurg during Christmas 2021, telling her to keep her son isolated in his room with a mask on because he'd been exposed to Covid at school, Diana had concerns. She stopped answering their calls -- and THEN something very strange happened. That was the final straw for her family. Now they homeschool. In this video (and the next), we chat about how it all happened and what she and her husband have learned as homeschooling parents.
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Diana Kurg @UnschoolTheMind
Diana’s Instagram @radically.unschooling
Some links

The Baltic Way – Some History About 3 Small Countries Triggering the Fall of the Soviet Empire
The Singing Revolution
MASK MANDATES – “A Fool’s Errand”
New York Times article 2023
In the above article, the NYT says, “But whatever the reason, mask mandates were a fool’s errand from the start. They may have created a false sense of safety — and thus permission to resume semi-normal life.”

THE FREEDOM CONVOY – We’ll have more links when we pull our chat on the #FreedomConvoy together.
Here is a timeline without too much government-funded media propaganda on the #FreedomConvoy
Highly recommend following the podcast Trish Wood is Critical where she deep dives into so many issues surrounding the lockdowns and mask / vaccine mandates:

Here are a links to a few organizations that support freedom:
National Citizens’ Inquiry
The Democracy Fund
True North Media

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