American Reckoning Ep. 10 - The 14th Amendment Destroyed America

1 year ago

You could say the spirit of the American Constitution died on April 9, 1865 at the surrender of Lee's army at Appomattox. But the nail in the coffin for all American citizens was July 9, 1867, when the 14th Amendment was fraudulently "ratified" and defined all people as subjects to "the" United States, rather than of their States. It effectively ended States' Rights and made all States subservient to a central government authority. Lincoln's radical republicans had wanted to destroy the South and its people, but in doing so, they destroyed America, too, ending independent republican government, putting all power in Washington. As punishment for lawfully trying to secede, the radical republican politicians in control of Congress made the southern states agree to the 14th Amendment as a requirement for returning to the Union. We discuss this farce and how its opened the door for growing federal government and a Marxist-style central authority that's taken all rights, liberties, and property away from Americans today, making the States an empty vessel and further dividing the country. All on this episode of American Reckoning.

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