Doctor Put Out Of Business For Refusing To Bow To California's Tyrannical Medical Laws

1 year ago

Steve Kirsch @stkirsch writes:

Dr. Michael Huang was a brave physician in California who treated vaccine-injured patients and wrote vaccine exemptions. Please watch this heartbreaking 3 minute video that he just sent me. This is the CA medical system at work. No mainstream doctors will speak out in support."

Source Tweet & Video:

“If I ever practice medicine again, I will not ask any government agency for licensure because they are not to be trusted.”

"Am I proud to have done what I did in the past three years? Hell yeah. If I knew that my office would look like this in three years and you showed me this video and said: 'Hey, see that family right there, they need your help. If you were to see them, this is what your practice will look like.' What would you do? I would do exactly the same thing I did in the past three years because I am proud of it. I am here to defend my liberty, my freedom, my patient's autonomy. I refuse to bow down to tyranny. I refuse to be intimidated!"

-- Dr. Michael Huang

See also:

Dr. Michael Huang: "I’ve Treated Hundreds Of Patients With Covid Vaccine-Related Injuries"

Censored, Sidelined And Villainized Doctors, Nurses, Health Care Workers Describe Their COVID-19 Experiences

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