What's Going On by Marvin Gaye ~ Thru the Sacred Feminine, We can Make a Comeback

1 year ago

Marvin Gaye is one of the Best, Most Important Songwriters of All Time, as he saw the World with such Clarity, and wasn't afraid to speak his Mind, and as such, his Music is still so far ahead of its time...

The Song and the Album, What's Going On?, are such Gems as they captured the World for what it was in 1971, and set the Tone for what has still yet to come, even today...but was he ever RIGHT...the Song and Album spoke to themes of Brotherhood, Unity, Love, Care, Compassion, Sympathy, Empathy, Kindness, the necessity to Raise the Sacred Feminine, and allow Wombmen to play a much greater role for our Future, the Protection and Caring of our Children from the Clutches of both Big Government and Evil (which are synonymous), a future that featured Sharing and Helping One another versus the Cold, Dog-Eat-Dog World of Capitalism, he was anti-war, anti-Drugs, anti-Distraction and Division, and thru it all Marvin placed God FRONT and CENTER on that Record, making it so clear that without His Guidance, and our Desire to Live Christ-like Lives, that nothing in this World of ours would Ever Change...but if we could See beyond ourselves, then Everything could Change for the Betterment of All...

That is a Special Album, one of the Very Best, this is a Special Song, and Marvin Gaye was and IS, a very, very Special Man...God Bless his Love, Talents and Dedication to Helping the Human Race, and I hope that soon, we will be seeing Marvin, One More Time...

With Great Love, Enjoy this Brilliant Song,

Love, CF

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Enjoy, Love, CF

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