Practical Balance - Discerning the Truth

1 year ago

People are hungry to know what the truth is especially with all the lies, disinformation, misinformation, and varying narratives being flung around right now. Spirit says 75% of information on Earth is not true. Ideas and concepts are passed down through the generations. You cannot find out what is true with a manual, or science because everything is an evolution.

For yourself it is best to go within and find out what resonates with you and your own personal dynamic, but outside there is no user manual that tells you what is right or wrong, true, or false.

Spirit says that there will one day be a clear, true disclosure of the truth, the universal truth. We humans have misapplied universal truth. There are people and groups who have distorted and even hidden the truth from the masses. To wade through all that human mistruth is not easy.

Run things through you to find out what is right for you. Ask yourself how things feel to you, do you believe this or that. Ask how you move forward with this or that, etc. Go with what feels authentic on a soul level. That will be your saving grace.

Much of today’s information is untrustworthy. There is so much propaganda and false narratives and manipulation of data that by going within and asking Spirit what is true is the best course of action.

There are such small pieces of truth in playing the game of Earth now that many hinge their entire lives on. There is an intuitive sense to truth, because when you hear it, you know it, it rings true to you. Also, its not always meant for you to share your truth with everyone. It’s your job to know your truth, assess your truth and to make sure it does not define or victimize others.

Recognize that one person’s truth may not be another person’s truth so be open to allowing others to believe and feel as they as they do. It is also a good idea to entertain new ideas and information, to reassess your beliefs about certain things so that you can learn, grow, and expand your consciousness. It is an evolution. Just remember that spiritual, universal truth is constant.

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