Ohio Army National Guard hosts 2023 Region IV Best Warrior Competition

1 year ago

Credit: Spc. Michael Baumberger | Date Taken: 05/07/2023
The Ohio Army National Guard hosts 2023 Region IV Best Warrior Competition at Camp James A. Garfield Joint Military Training Center, Newton Falls, Ohio, May 3-7, 2023. Staff Sgt. Leo Kerfeld, infantryman, 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 34th Infantry Division, Minnesota Army National Guard took home the title of Region IV NCO of the Year and Spc. John Shields, combat medic specialist, Company C, 334th Support Battalion, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 34th Infantry Division, Iowa Army National Guard took home the title of Region IV Soldier of the Year. The Region IV BWC included Region IV ARNG Soldiers who demonstrated the highest commitment to the Army values, embodied the Warrior Ethos, and represented the force of the future. (U.S. Army National Guard video by Spc. Michael Baumberger)

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