April 16, 2023: at #SOL 766, #Ingenuity is photographed by #Perseverance via #MastCam-Z on #Mars.

1 year ago

April 16, 2023: the #Ingenuity #helicopter #drone is captured in two images by #Perseverance's #MastCam-Zs at #SOL 766 at 13:18:02 LMST, after its 50th #flight. These are the most definite and recent images we have of Ingenuity. The Ingenuity helicopter drone, shortly after its 52nd flight, had gone silent: the silence lasted 63 days due to hilly topography that disrupted communications between the rover and the helicopter. Now on June 28, 2023, the connection has been restored and the 53rd flight is already being planned for the coming weeks. #Video #4K #60FPS via #AI.

Link to the full resolution images via AI:


Documentation: https://mars.nasa.gov/mars2020/multimedia/raw-images/

Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU/PipploIMP.
Credit for background audio:
https://soundcloud.com/savfk/nebula (CC BY 4.0)

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