Sukkah Chapter 4 Mishna 8

1 year ago

Mishna Sukkah Succah Mishnayis Mishnah Mishnayit Perek 4 Chapter 4 Mishna 8 Mishneh 8
In this video, we explain how Sukkas is celebrated for 7 days but on all 8 days of Sukkot, we still rejoice by eating the meat of the Korbon Shlamim and reciting the Hallel prayer. We also explained how we transition from the 7th day to the 8th day of Succas by taking down the Kailim and sheets from the Sukka to use in the house for the 8th day celebration of Shemini Atzeres. However, we cannot dismantle the Succah on the 7th day of Chal Hamoed Sukkos because it applies for the whole day, even after we have finished using it. The 8th day is like the previous 7 days in terms of rejoicing and saying Hallel, except we don't use the Sukkah.

Today however, we still eat in the Sukkah on the 8th day, but we don't recite the blessing of sitting in the Sukkah since we are no longer obligated to sit in the Sukkah after 7 days.

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Bell Candle Damper Image by InspectorJ of
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