1 year ago

At todays outreach the Holy Spirit had me pray very specific deliverance prayers including against oppression and evil. I prayed against a spirit of fear. I prayed against a spirit of darkness and evil. AFTER the meeting I received this update from Pastor Samuel. Note the area is controlled by gangsters and by satanic attacks.
Listen closely and you will hear me give the interpretation of the tongues given. I KNEW NOTHING IN MY FLESH ABOUT SATANIC ATTACKS OR GANGSTERS as you will read about in Pastor Samuel's praise report. Nothing about fear or oppression or darkness.

Dear Pastor Greg Young
We thank and Praise God that today it was so blessed outreach meeting, it was in street and in the areas of gangsters, where people heard your testimony and sharing of God’s Word. In this outreach meeting 47 people accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour and 23 people were healed and delivered. One sister felt touch of God and believed that her tumour is disappeared from her stomach. Three sisters and one brother healed instantly from disc and whips pains, pain was caused devil attacks. This community called Valmiki they are fearing satanic attacks when you prayed for the deliverance of fear instant burdens of many people were lifted up, some were feeling heaviness on their heads,they were touched and delivered. Two brothers were delivered from sever neck pains instantly, one was suffering neck since 9 years and his was also have same pain since 3 years. One sister believed that God has opened her barren womb, she felt the touch of God. Many more were healed like back pains, headaches and knee pains.All glory to God.
After the outreach meeting we provided the meal to all people. We are so grateful for Pastor Greg Young for anointing and vision to reach the unreached people of India.
We all are praying for you,
Family, Chosen Generation Radio Ministries and all our brothers and Sisters who have been donating sacrificially for the India ministry
God bless you
All glory to God!
Pastor Greg

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