Alison com Vimeo Video Player Speed Hack

1 year ago
40 Vimeo Video Speed Hack

*This Vimeo Video Speed Hack tutorial is based on Google Chrome Browser

Right click directly on Alison course video and choose 'View frame source'.
On the source page that opens, click on the top link.
Example: (link rel="canonical" href="") to open the Vimeo Player in full screen.
IF your Chrome bookmarks bar isn't yet enabled, click on three dots, top right hamburger menu.
In the menu, hover over Bookmarks to reveal the sub-menu and make sure there is a check mark beside Show Bookmarks Bar (or on your keyboard press Ctrl + Shift + B to toggle on and off.)
Next right click on the empty space on your bookmarks bar and choose ‘Add page…’
In the popup that opens, enter any name in the Name field. Example: Vimeo Speed
In the URL field enter the following code:

javascript: var v = document.querySelector('video'); var t = prompt('Set the playback rate'); v.playbackRate = parseFloat(t)

Using the full screen Vimeo video player (*not the video player) while video is playing simply click on your new page short-cut button that you created in Steps #5-7 above.
In the popup window that opens. ie. says
In the 'Set the playback rate' field, enter your desired speed as follows..
Speed UP video speed examples: 1.25 1.50 1.75 etc.
Slow DOWN video speed examples: .2 .5 .7 etc.
To RESET video speed enter: 1

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