
1 year ago

Chosen experiences - Neutrality
Crown & Third Eye Chakras
Disconnected from reality
Grounding & protection
The great awakening
Empowerment- takeaways
Having been through psychosis myself I have a deep inner standing for how one can manifest that into an experience, what the experience feels like and also what it takes to heal from such a wild experience. This channeling truly speaks my own truth. I feel blessed to be able to share my story and channeling. Psychosis can be part of the human experience. My higher self likes to remind us that our experiences here are chosen by ourselves. Balancing the crown and third eye chakras with grounding and protection, can help keep you rooted in this reality. Even though psychosis might seem like a negative experience, you can transmute it by elevating it to a positive frequency through empowerment and self value for the experiences you lived through. To take your messes and make them a message for yourself and others.

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