Multiple Sclerosis - MS

1 year ago

Rendering yourself immobile
Stifling Feelings/Emotions
Optimism & Positivity
Expressing Feelings
Acceptance of life
In this channeling on multiple sclerosis, my higher self says that it can manifest as a result to disillusionment, which is when someone experiences a feeling of disappointment, resulting from the discovery that something is not as good as one believed it to be. It can come into existence when you are unable to accept the life ahead of you. Something happened, and your life changed forever. It also coincides with the stifling of allowing yourself to express how you feel. The guidance here is to first Take small steps towards optimism, and then gradually gain confidence with the acceptance of your life over time while granting yourself the permission to express your emotions with your body the moment they come forward. this positive mindset, gratitude for life and acceptance of yourself will make the energetic shift needed to change the frequency of your body. This switch in vibration will open up the space needed to heal.

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