Noah's Ark & The Flood: Josephus the Historian, Berossus and the Epic of Gilgamesh

1 year ago

There are a number of historical accounts and records which support the existence of the Ark that was constructed in order to save one family from a catastrophic global flood. Aside from evidence that was at one time found in the region of southeastern Turkey, historians such as Flavius Josephus and Berossus the Chaldean recorded claims that the Ark was visible during their lifetime.

In addition to this, there are fictional accounts, such as the Epic of Gilgamesh, that some use to dismiss the account found in Genesis as a myth. However, just because a writer was influenced by an account, this doesn't automatically render it as a myth.

Is the story of Genesis just a story? Or should we pay closer attention to the claims that these events actually took place?

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