Poll: Video, Who should be the one to Rescue Lincoln? (Link to Poll In the Description Below)

1 year ago

This is another sneak peek from the Loud House Movie's production, but I decided to animate this portion in order to help users decide on who should be the one to sneak into the Warehouse in the movie in order to rescue Lincoln from his captures, only one can enter the Ware house so choose wisely.

The person who has the most votes on my Community tab Poll will be the one who is selected for the main scene in the Loud House Movie. The Deadline to the Poll closes on the 10th of this month so Choose who you believe is worthy enough to try and save Lincoln Lord.

The Official Poll...
Poll: https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxuKwubYDpKemlAfEt5ibTRCXe6m8hpCy_

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