Unlocking the Path to Recovery: Lifestyle Medicine Strategies for Long COVID Healing

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Together with our Certified Nutritionist, Michelle Harvey we will Unlock the Path to Recovery: Lifestyle Medicine Strategies for Long COVID Healing

• Discover a unique approach to long COVID recovery through lifestyle medicine
• Introduce the Phoenix Program, an 8-week comprehensive course covering various aspects of long COVID
• Learn about participants' testimonials, and success stories
• Understand the holistic modalities developed by Dr. Haider based on his personal experience with long COVID
• Explore the role of nutrition, somatic practices, and mind-body connection in the healing process
• Identify the driving mechanisms behind long COVID symptoms through comprehensive lab work
• Learn lifestyle interventions for nervous system regulation, including cold exposure, breath work, and movement practices
• Dispel common beliefs that hinder recovery, such as the idea of never fully recovering or relying solely on medications and supplements

⚡Next cohort starts on Monday, July 10th, with weekly calls every Friday.

Sign up at coach.mygotodoc.com/group to join the program!

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