High Profile Rituals Christopher Knowles

1 year ago

Could the prevalence of mermaid symbolism be leading humanity into the transgenic era? Transgenic is a term that describes an organism containing genes from another organism put into its genome through recombinant DNA techniques. A transgenic organism is one that contains a gene or genes which have been artificially inserted instead of the organism acquiring them through reproduction. How does this relate to Black Magick? Who was Kenneth Grant? Was he using ritual magick to communicate with extraterrestrials? How many performances from the Superbowl halftime to political ceremonies are based in the Old Religion? What is hidden behind the X-Men logo?
Christopher Loring Knowles is the author of the Eagle Award-winning “Our Gods Wear Spandex: The Secret History of Comic Book Heroes”, co-author of “The Complete X-Files: Behind the Series, the Myths, and the Movies” and “The Secret History of Rock ‘n’ Roll: The Mysterious Roots of Modern Music”. He was an associate editor and columnist for the five-time Eisner Award-winning Comic Book Artist magazine, as well as a writer and reviewer for the UK magazine, Classic Rock.
Freeman Fly, host of FreemanTV.com, has been on the forefront of conspiracy theory for nearly two decades.
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