European parliament closing remarks

1 year ago

From Dr Mike Yeadon... "I greatly admire Nick Hudson.
Early on, he was appalled by my reading of the situation and urged me not to contemplate repeating it.
Now, he knows I was correct.
I too acknowledge he was correct. My blunt speaking accomplished a number of things. First, I am persona non grata almost everywhere, except on the street or in direct, unmediated videos, where many recognise I’m truthful and competent.
But mass audiences I will never reach, because the idiot enablers of the tyrants have been unleashed to smear me & to censor me.
I mind about the latter.
Who do they think they are?
As to the former, it’s standard fare & it will always happen. The old saying about flak intensity and proximity to targets is true.
What we both learned is it takes many people, diverse internal models not only of the world and of willingness to recognize evil has no bounds, but also of ways to reach people.
Nick’s style might offend the purists, but he’s no doubt thought a lot more than I have about how to land messages effectively and less about telling all, which latter is my towering strength and ultimate vulnerability.
In the end, in our different ways, we must land blows of truth upon the faces of the evil ones seeking to take everything from we, ordinary & peaceful people.
Peaceful we are by inclination, we must recognize that we face as foes beings who wouldn’t hesitate to crush the heads not only of those who oppose them but of wholly innocent people & children.
Their unlimited assault upon our children I hope will stir within each of us in the community, whether they’re our children at risk or not and even if we personally have no children of our own, the recognition that if we don’t stand before & defend with our bodies and minds the children of everyone in the community, we have no community & are lost.
Best wishes


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