Chaos in France: Engineered Collapse of Western Europe & Islamic Uprising. Is America Next? Truth Today TV with Pastor Shahram Hadian EP. 69 7/6/23

1 year ago

Chaos in France: Engineered Collapse of Western Europe & Islamic Uprising. Is America Next?

Truth in Love Ministry has been warning about the situation in Western Europe and particularly France for the last 10 years. It is now coming to fruition. The Islamic Uprising is happening because France is now almost 15 percent Muslim population and the globalist that desire the collapse of society are now using Muslims as their foot soldiers to bring about that collapse. Most of the time, as Europe goes, so goes America. What is next for America? Can we expect to see more riots, looting, and chaos before our 2024 elections, as we did in 2020? Tune in for a must watch show.

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