LWs Predict a Mushroom Cloud Above a River in Manhattan and East London on 2023July9-13 & July 23-27

1 year ago

The 2nd+3rd fire signs of 1Kings18 causing a pillar of cloud+fire over the Thames near Dartford, London & over the Hudson in Manhattan are now predicted for: 2023Tammuz20-23 (2023July9-13) and 2023Ab4-7 (2023July23-27)
+China makes war in 2023Tammuz (June20-July20)
+Volcano erupts on or before 2023July20.

This 487th main prediction results from realising that

The 3 Pentecosts sent by Eliijah4 to Ahaziah (the King of the Watchtower) in the greater meaning of 2Kings1

1Kings18 requires the first 3 fire signs to be Pentecostal. Actually it requires them to occur on Pentecosts.

2Kings1 requires fire signs to occur on three 50 counts with chiefs (Pentecosts) which are (in the literal account) sent by Ahaziah to Elijah, but in the greater meaning since the wording is: He sent to him, they are sent by Elijah4 to Ahaziah.

Well there are 3 new Pentecosts which the LWs have discovered in addition to the Mosaic (1NC) Pentecost which runs from 1NC first fruits on Nisan16-22 to the Pentecost on Sivan5-11 depending upon what day in the week the Sabbath occurs during Cakes. These are...

1. The 2NC Pentecost of the Tishri1 secular year from Tishri2 (the day Adam was born, the firstfruits of men designed by God himself without the angels) to Heshvan21 (the day Jesus was born, first ripe fruits of men designed by God himself)

2. The Zoar Pentecost from Sivan16 (the day all those in the 2 true churches of the LWs and Laodicea became non adamic Abrahamic in 2012, the day non adamic Abraham was born) to Ab5 (the Zoar Pentecost, the day the LWs were installed over Abraham).

3. The 2NC Pentecost of the Sivan1 secular year honouring Jesus being installed as Caesar over non adamic Abraham on 2023Sivan5 and rapturing him into Ark3 from 2023Sivan17-22. This runs from first fruits on 2023Sivan2 to the Pentecost on 2023Tammuz21.

The first fire sign of 1Kings18 and 2Kings1 occurred on mount Carmel in Israel from 2010Chislev20-23, covering the late 2NC Pentecost and the Super Pentecost thereafter on 2010Chislev22, when the Attendant of Elijah4 (an LW) saw the greatest fire in modern Israel's history (which killed 24 people) as that fire sign.

So the 2nd fire sign MUST occur at the 2NC Pentecost of the Sivan1 secular year on Tammuz21 or the late version on Ab21 or the Super Pentecosts thereafter on Tammuz22 and Ab22.

And the 3rd fire sign MUST occur at the Zoar Pentecost on Ab5 or the late version on Elul5 or the Super Pentecosts on Ab6 and Elul6.

All 3 fire signs basically occur at the 3 new Pentecosts that the LW church has discovered (or late the Pentecosts or the Super Pentecosts thereafter).
I do not know why I could not see that before. Mind you we only discovered and confirmed the new Sivan1 Abrahamic secular year on 2023July1 sending an email to the church on 2023July2 at 03:30 (2023Tammuz12).

We go for 2023Tammuz20-23 (July9-13) for the 2nd fire sign because the Elijah spoke to the 2nd chief and his 50 by speaking only to the chief. So the chief himself must be a part of his own 50. He must be an inclusive chief (the regular Pentecost) not an exclusive chief (the late Pentecost).

We go for 2023Ab4-7 (July23-27) for the 3rd fire sign because WW3 begins on 2023Ab5 and so fire signs much after that will be common place nd not really signs. Also the pillar of cloud of Exodus14 moving from leading to following Israel gives 8/15/22 days between fire signs (from the sentence count) not more than 40 which would be the case if the 3rd fire sign occurred on 2023Elul4-7.

13 And he went sending again a 3rd chief of 50 and his 50. But the 3rd chief of 50 went up and came and bent down upon his knees to front of Elijah and begged for favour to him and said to him: Man of the [true] God, please let my soul and the soul [singular] of these 50 servants of yours be precious/heavily-valued in your eyes.
14 Here fire came down from the heavens and went eating up the 2 former chiefs of 50 and their fifties, but now let my soul be precious/heavily-valued in your eyes. (2Kings1)

So the soul of the 3rd chief was precious in the eyes of Elijah4 in two ways. And in one of those 2 ways, the soul of his 50 was not precious.

Also the soul of the chief is separate from the soul of the 50 as a group, according to verse13. So the 50 is the Zoar Pentecost from 2023Sivan16-2023Ab5 and the chief is 2023Elul5, the exclusive chief, the late Pentecost, who does not suffer a fire sign of 2Kings1 and 1Kings18. But is nonetheless deep into WW3.

So we cannot go for 2023Elul4-7. We must go for 2023Ab4-7. Also Mike had his dream about fire signs on 2014Ab5, the day of the year when WW3 begins.

For more see www.truebiblecode.com/understanding271-11.html

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