Did Tree Burner People Kill Michael Jackson In Order To Clear-Cut Forests for Biodiesel & Ethanol?

1 year ago

Did Tree-Burner & Food-Burner people kill Michael Jackson in order to "Full-Throttle" Clear-Cutting forests for "biodiesel" & "ethanol"; and use up 20% of all farmland; so you can burn 10 Billion Bushels of food in your gas tank? Just in the U.S. While, they get $40B per year in "renewable energy" subsidies per year to do it, and also raise all food prices by 200-300%. Despite the same area of solar panels would produce 70X the energy of ethanol. There is nothing ever invented more stupid! Except for the 500M dead from wars for oil and gas and the 1.2M per year killed by gas cars.
August 6th 2001 Ethanol fuel from corn faulted as 'unsustainable subsidized food burning' in analysis by Cornell scientist. Neither increases in government subsidies to corn-based ethanol fuel nor hikes in the price of petroleum can overcome what one Cornell University agricultural scientist calls a fundamental input-yield problem: It takes more energy to make ethanol from grain than the combustion of ethanol produces. https://news.cornell.edu/stories/2001/08/ethanol-corn-faulted-energy-waster-scientist-says
July 24th 2009 Michael Jackson Death Anniversary ft Earth Song Rehearsal for This Is It - The Last Dance! https://www.bitchute.com/video/cP8csufXQDqY/
September 1st 2009 Just two months after Michael Jackson's death, It's Full Throttle U.S. Ethanol Expansion ; $1 Per Gallon Subsidy For Ethanol To Be Approved in 2010 https://www.ers.usda.gov/amber-waves/2009/september/full-throttle-us-ethanol-expansion-faces-challenges-down-the-road/
January 2nd 2014 Biodiesel Update: Now with More Soy https://blog.ucsusa.org/jeremy-martin/biodiesel-update-now-with-more-soy-360/
January 1st 2016 How can we best conserve the world’s rainforests in the face of pressures from the palm oil industry, timber trade, and biofuels? https://21stcenturychallenges.org/deforestation/
January 9th 2018 Burned – Deception, Deforestation and America’s Biodiesel Policy https://www.actionaidusa.org/publications/americas-biodiesel-policy/
May 2nd 2018 The real palm oil problem: it's not just in your food, it's your gas tank https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg23831764-400-the-real-palm-oil-problem-its-not-just-in-your-food/
September 11th 2019 Brazil’s Fires and Biofuels. www.landscapesandcycles.net/amazon-fires-and-biofuels.html
January 1st 2020 Do Biofuels Destroy Forests? Link between Deforestation and Biofuel Use https://climatepolicyinfohub.eu/do-biofuels-destroy-forests-link-between-deforestation-and-biofuel-use.htmlhttps://climatepolicyinfohub.eu/do-biofuels-destroy-forests-link-between-deforestation-and-biofuel-use.html
September 19th 2021 An acre of corn-grown ethanol vs an acre of solar panels. For the environment and the farmers, it's not even close. Solar panels provide 70X more energy. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/acre-corn-grown-ethanol-vs-solar-panels-environment-farmers-nussey
March 3rd 2023 How we stopped the Biofuels Obligation | Guest post https://www.greenpeace.org/aotearoa/story/how-we-stopped-the-biofuels-obligation-guest-blog/

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