Darwin's Bullet Against Humanity - Part 1 | Journey of Certainty

1 year ago

Are there moral atheists and immoral believers?
What are the moral implications of the Darwinian Theory of Evolution?
How was “survival of the fittest” used to support racism?
These questions and more will be answered throughout this episode. We will flip through the criminal record of Social Darwinism, discuss its promotion of white supremacy and racial inferiority for other races, and present snapshots of some of its most horrific crimes against humanity!
Quote from James Barnard at the start of this article:
Kevin Rudd's national apology to Stolen Generations
Sterilization and Eugenics in the USA
Gustave Le Bon’s article about the evolutional inferiority of women
A 2018 review about the consequences of Darwinism

Charles Darwin (1871) The Descent of Man, 1st edition, pages 168 -169.
The origins of the First World War
Social Darwinism in the American Thought
E. Yaroslavsky, Landmarks in the Life of Stalin (Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing house, 1940), pp. 8-12.
From Darwin to Nietzsche 1895
Social Status, p.414-415
Richard Weikart, "From Darwin to Hitler", Palgrave Macmillan 2006, p.215

Eyad Quniabi, Ph.D. is an associate professor of Pharmacology at Jerash University. Dr. Qunaibi graduated with a doctorate degree in Molecular Pharmacology from the University of Houston, Texas, USA, and has teaching and research experience in Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, Toxicology, and Pharmacokinetics. He contributed to two patents and is an author of numerous highly-cited scientific publications.

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