麦卡洛博士:来自丹麦的同事发现,辉瑞公司的4.2% 的疫苗占可疑不良事件的 71%,大多数人注射后都没事的原因是他们注射的是低风险批次,这些疫苗在向公众推出之前没有经过任何检查,这是

1 year ago

Dr. McCullough: Colleagues from Denmark found that 4.2% of Pfizer's vaccines accounted for 71% of suspected adverse events. Most people are fine because they were injected with low-risk batches. These vaccines were not inspected before being released to the public, a product safety disaster!

麦卡洛博士:来自丹麦的同事发现,辉瑞公司的4.2% 的疫苗占可疑不良事件的 71%,大多数人注射后都没事的原因是他们注射的是低风险批次,这些疫苗在向公众推出之前没有经过任何检查,这是一场产品安全的灾难!

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