Dr Andrew Kaufman: Tired Of The Same Old 'Virus' Script? [06.07.2023]

1 year ago

The Spanish Flu 'Virus'!

The Polio 'Virus' Epidemic!

The Aids 'Virus' Crisis!

The Sars 'Virus' Outbreak!

The Bird Flu 'Virus' Panic!

The Corona 'Virus'!

When it came to the truth behind virology and germ theory, I couldn’t be silent any longer. In 2020, I spoke out on the reality that a virus has never been isolated.

How many times will we put up with the same story, before we notice the pattern, ask questions, and pull back the curtain?

We have the power to end this repetitive show that’s been on air since TVs were in black and white. We just need to educate ourselves. We need the truth about viruses to go viral.

That’s what The End of C@V!D is designed to do. If you haven’t seen the trailer yet, click here to watch it.

It’s an online education, featuring 90 interviews, short films, and presentations–covering every aspect of the C@V!D “pandemic”–plus the pandemics before it. Like a podcast, there’s over one hundred hours of content, organized into ten modules–like an online class.

The breadth of this information exposes the entire field of virology for what it is: a big show.

On July 11th, the entire production is coming to a close–once and for all.

To sign up and start streaming the series on July 11th FREE for 22 days, simply click below.


Starting on July 11th, we’re releasing 100+ hours of content, covering every aspect of the “pandemic.”

Sign up below and stream it for free over the course of 21 days.


The End of C@VID is an online education, featuring 90 interviews, short films, and presentations–covering every aspect of the C@VID “pandemic”–plus the pandemics before it. Like a podcast, there’s over one hundred hours of content, organized into ten modules–like an online class.

The breath of this information exposes the entire field of virology for what it is: a big show. And on July 11th, the entire production is coming to a close–once and for all.

The End of C@vid | Official Trailer
Andrew Kaufman
60.8K subscribers
1,973 views Jul 5, 2023

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