Beware the Bull: Exposing Stephen McCullah's Threats! Don't Mess with Us or Face Legal Armageddon!

1 year ago

Steve McCullah 22/08/20
I want to make sure this gets sent to the right people, so please feel free to spread this around.

We have been told that some of these pathetic, absolutely obsessed psychopaths are trying to contact Government’s to somehow prove we are a scam.

First of all, if we are working with a Government then wouldn’t that show, in and of itself, that we are not a scam!? Obviously if we were a scam with no products then why would we spend the immense time and resources to court one Government, much less many?

What this shows is that you know we are legit but you don’t want us to succeed because you are too fuelled by anger. You would rather destroy the lives of thousands of people than for us to succeed because it goes against your idiotic, depraved narrative.

I want to make it known that if someone does this, we will be made aware immediately and given the information of that person. We have several million dollars and a legal team set side just for this type of thing. Why do you think so many media organisations have published public apologies?

My promise is that if when we find out someone is actively trying to sabotage us and defame our name, even once, we will lock onto you like a leach and sue you like there is no tomorrow. We will make it known to the world, we will call you out to everyone and we will never stop suing you, we will sue you until there is nothing left but ashes and we will assign a legal team to watch those ashes until there is any microscopic sign of life, as soon as there is we will sue the hell out of you again until you don’t have a dime to your name. We will do this without thinking because you are messing with multimillion dollar contracts and something that will affect millions of lives.

If someone wants a war we will sure as hell give them one.

We have already been give names and we have handed those to our legal teams, we are going to start calling these people out and dropping lawsuits. We will be calling employers, we will be bringing them into the situation.

Don’t pick a fight with a bull if you don’t want to deal with the consequences. We will never stop, not until they are on the streets. We just sent out subpoena’s to Telegram and Twitter. We will expose and destroy.

Steve McCullah 9/12/20
As promised, we are putting an end to the trolls. We are going to be calling out an pursuing action on all of the trolls that have been scamming our community while slandering, stalking, threatening and harassing our team. I will drop one at a time as we prepare for press releases on legal action. The first is James Maclean from Scotland. James stalked, scammed and harassed us, thinking he could anything he wanted to behind his iron mask. He is the Telegram alias Johny Might. You have most likely had him harass you personally. Well the mask is off, he has to deal with the the consequences. Twitter, Telegram, Gmail, Youtube Facebook and many others take cyber bulling and aggregated staking very seriously. They will not protect you! Scotland doesn’t take too kindly to aggregated stalking either.

Steve McCullah 29/12/20
We believe we have figured out the identity of the Phantom. The stalker that has been harassing our community. His name is Onder Atlas and he is from New York. Our lawyers are working on possible legal action now.

Steve McCullah 29/12/20 We will be putting out a press release soon with information on our action against Onder, Steven Jobe and James Maclean soon.

Steve McCullah 02/06/22
I'm not threatening you. I'm telling you we are filing a lawsuit next week. I'm being nice and trying to reason with you, because if I start a lawsuit then I'm not going to stop without my $10k back. Just think of it this way, What if I published something about Cindy Piper trying to publish a book to extort me? You'll say it's not true but that's a reasonable interpretation. Anyway, please just remove it immediately, or remove any interpretation or it being real or using my likeness. Then I'm willing to leave it be. You can't even say that you are wronged my me. I helped you when LunaOne wouldn't, It's just insane, who gives someone $10k when they don't have to? Danny's contacting and suggesting people contact all my clients. You are both about to be named in a US lawsuit. And then we can collect damages from Danny and Craig Cobb. That's going to be published that you are working with them. This book is going to cost you everything

My name is trademarked. Just completely remove my name and any likeness and I will be fine. I wish I never would have helped you and your family. What you are saying is a blatant lie. You lied about using my name. Using any likeness to my name is the same also, you lied about I processed the payments for LunaOne. My company is a financial technology company. That's what we do, we have a coin distribution platform. When we file suit this is easy to prove. l am just amazed that you lied about me so blatantly.

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