Ambush Deaths Rise as Police Ranks Dwindle

1 year ago

These troubling statistics come from the National Fraternal Order of Police and reveal that shootings of police are up 30% from 2021 and 40% from 2020. There have been 47 ambush-style attacks on law enforcement officers this year which have resulted in 54 officers shot, nine of whom were killed. In this episode of The Wounded Blue Hour, show host, Randy Sutton examines the underlying causes of this national tragedy.

These causes include more than 60 “activist“ District Attorneys and Prosecutors whose mission is to dismantle the criminal justice system from within, as well as leftist lawmakers who remove consequences from crime and encourage the prosecution of the police. Everyone’s safety is at risk, and Randy Sutton reveals the true issues.

Lt. Randy Sutton can be heard every Saturday and Sunday at 10 pm ET / 7 pm PT on The Wounded Blue Hour on iHeart Radio on the America Out Loud Talk Radio Network.

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