FDA Refuses to Label COVID Vax A Cause Of Sudden Death, 4135

1 year ago

The FDA is still refusing to apply a warning label to the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines that they may cause sudden deaths in certain demographics.

This despite mounting evidence of deadly consequences to those taking these vaxes. For example, recent studies in Japan, South Korea, and Qatar have shown that vaccine-related heart deaths are much higher than previously admitted to, particularly in younger people who are at much lower risk from the COVID virus anyway.

Similar findings were discovered in a German study of healthy people who died with 20 days of the vaxes.

Perhaps worst of all, a study funded by the FDA, itself, found what’s called a “safety signal” for both myocarditis and pericarditis – forms of serious heart inflammation – following vaxes in 12 to 17-year-olds, according to near-real-time monitoring using commercial insurance claims databases for more than 3 million children.

The vaxes apparently have negative effects on the eyes as well. In the publication, Nature Journal NPJ Vaccines, a Taiwanese study found a much higher risk of “all forms of retinal vascular occlusion” – that is, visual impairment – 12 to 104 weeks after any brand of mRNA vaccine.

On top of that, medical journals have done a poor job of publishing the truth about COVID vax injuries. In a South Korean study, published in The European Society of Cardiology, among those under age 45, there were actually 61% more vaccine-related myocarditis deaths as confirmed by autopsies, then recorded in the country’s vaccine injury registry.

This has long been suspected in the United States, however, until recently, accurate information has been suppressed. This study caused prominent medical researchers to petition the FDA to add appropriate warnings to vax packaging, including a warning that the vaxes, themselves have shown very weak evidence of efficacy at stopping transmission or death from COVID, but have significant evidence of resulting heart inflammation. The FDA has refused to comply.

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