Dr Mike Yeadon: Resist With Guns, Yes!

1 year ago

I do have great respect for Dr Mike Yeadon, not just because he was once with the medical-pharma criminals and now decided to come forward to apologize for his wrong (https://www.bitchute.com/video/6rn9bdpEoZcC/) and call these criminals out by names, but mostly because Dr Mike Yeadon has made a greatest step to begin his unlearning process. He sincerely and courageously admits that “there are no viruses” (https://www.bitchute.com/video/YJgD92cWg45y/) after having studied and considered all the arguments and evidences that Dr Stephen Lanka, Dr Thomas Cowan, Dr Andrew Kaufman, Drs Mark & Samantha Bailey et all, have been tirelessly presenting to the whole world. Dr Mike Yeadon humbly joins and supports the scientific virus challenge put out by the No Virus Camp, which all the clotshot criminals and the cowardly fake "health freedom fighters” would never dare to take up such challenge. They already knew!

As far as searching for solution for the clot-shot crime is concerned, this interview is the most important one so far, because it carries out the most important message in my opinion.

That Dr Mike Yeadon openly recognized that any institution based solution/resistance is futile (naive and stupid by implication according to my reading between the lines). He urges people to resist. He condones and supports resistance with guns. He rightly and correctly called such resistance self-defense! Since governments and their thugs are murderers!

Folks, if my memory does not betray me, during those three years of clot shot democide, only the late Dr Zelenko called for take up guns and ready to fight back. And as a devoted religious Jew, he publicly warned that this Covidcrime is a human sacrifice plot especially children sacrifice at global scale! He knew such Talmudic belief and rituals. He even raised his strong protest to such evil plot to a bunch of Rabbis in Israel! (https://www.bitchute.com/search/?query=thetaoofanarchy%20zelenko&kind=video)

Folks, as a pure blood minority you must know that Dr Yeadon is 100% correct! The “Covid operation” is not over as many useful idiots in the “freedom movement” have retardedly declared! They are pushing the clotshot even harder right now!

He must have realized that around 6 billions people have been "shot" at least twice with this clot shot bio-weapon in the last three years. The reproductive system of these 6 billions has been irrecoverably damaged. Governments around the world are still pushing it right now despite all the “unknown sudden death”!

Dr Yeadon must have and should have realized that this “covid” is a grand scheme of DEMOCIDE (murdered by their own Government), in which the Governments have been carrying out NOT ONLY the democide but also establishing a total and complete bio-control over the whole humanity. All the institutions both public and private have been parts of this crime. These institutions are integral apparatuses of this criminal system, particularly the “press” and the government thugs (a.k.a cops). The former is tasked with gas-lighting the public, the later is tasked with violent coercion with brute force even murdering when the former fails.

Given such real existential imminent danger, Dr Yeadon has fallen short on directly calling out the Government as the main perpetrator!

By now Dr Yeadon should have and must have realized that WITHOUT the system of government authority (a.k.a Statism) that the vast majority of people stupidly believe and obey, the whole organized crime of medical establishment and its pharma industry could have never been able to impose and force their poisonous products and their obvious bio-weapon on billions of people world wide without much of meaningful resistance.

Thus, just focusing on these criminal individuals will not stop this GREATEST CRIME and will not solve the problem! When government set out to murder people en mass at global scale, the solution must be a revolution. Humanity must get rid of the system of government authority for good to live in peace and freedom with one another.

We cannot stop crooks, psychopaths being born into this world. But we can stop giving them the “authority” and the protection to commit heinous crime against us. And ultimately we must preserve the right to exercise self-defense to terminate any existential threat against us from any source at all.

We are facing such imminent existential threat right now! Not only have We been being murdered but our posterity has been biologically harmed and enslaved!

Like many others courageous and fearless dissidents, Dr Mike Yeadon still has not seen the real bigger matrix: The whole make-believe system of government authority. It’s the “virus” in the people mind!

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