Canada's and then the World's Natural Health Products At Risk

1 year ago


All the things that we didn’t want to have happen to the natural health product industry are now happening—all at once.

Some industry members have thought NHPPA’s warnings were exaggerated for nearly 16 years.
Now, in what feels like one fell swoop,

Health Canada is moving forward with multiple initiatives that will assault the natural health industry and consumer access to natural health products and practices.
We feel vindicated and horrified at the same time.

If Canadians allow these changes to occur,

it will be the end of the natural health product industry as we know it.

This is happening now.

Educate yourself about what Health Canada has set into motion in 2023 by downloading and reading the Discussion Paper.

Then join Shawn Buckley on a call to explain it all.
Find out exactly how these changes will affect you and your life, and every part of the natural health product industry that you currently enjoy.
Quite literally. We’re here again, courtesy of the Health Canada bureaucracy.

This is a MUST READ document for all Canadian manufacturers, distributors,
those who use natural health products, visit natural health practitioners,
and those who value their freedom of choice in healthcare.

We need each of you to do the following:
1. Make sure you have subscribed to NHPPA’s emails. Actions are to come immediately after the Zoom call with Shawn Buckley.

Make sure you open and read our emails to ensure you are equipped to take part in the pushback.
2. Forward the link to this page to those in your personal and professional network.
Ask them to read the Discussion Paper.
Ask them to join the NHPPA email list. Ask them to be on the Zoom calls! Join the email list by going to this webpage.
3. WATCH the recording of one of two LIVE Zoom calls with Shawn Buckley to get the full understanding and impact of the issues in this Discussion Paper.

REPLAY For Natural Health Practitioners and Canadian Citizens
REPLAY For Natural Health Industry Stakeholders

Excerpts from the Discussion Paper:

“Claims will be restricted to minor conditions – conditions for which a person would not seek the advice of a health care practitioner licensed by a province such as a naturopathic doctor,
a traditional Chinese medicine doctor,
an Ayurvedic doctor, a nutritionist, a herbalist, etc.

Anyone who thinks professional natural products will be around in 2 years is naive;”

“Health Canada and the Auditor General do know that you are more likely to be struck by lightning than to die from a NHP.

They know there is no meaningful risk from NHPs that require any government action.
What the Health Canada and Auditor General messaging means is that both agencies are willing to mislead you to achieve an agenda not connected to health.”

“Natural products will not qualify as self-care products if meant for any health condition that will require the intervention of a health professional.
If they do not qualify under the self-care product regulations, the only drug regulations they could be licensed under are the prescription drug regulations,
which natural products generally cannot comply with. This would take us back to before the Natural Health Product Regulations when virtually all natural products were illegal.

Only now it will be professional products manufactured to treat conditions requiring a doctor

(be it medical, naturopathic, homeopathic or traditional like TCM practitioners) that will be illegal.”

“There is also an invitation to comment. However, the Notice makes it clear that fees will be imposed, regardless of comments.

This is found as follows: The fee proposal is subject to a 75-day consultation period.
The feedback received will be used to refine the proposal as the Department seeks to implement fees that reflect the NHP program in a fair and transparent way.
The fee proposal will then be finalized, and a fee order will be published in the Canada Gazette, Part II.
Fees are planned to come into force on April 1, 2025. The fee proposal will be posted for 75 calendar days, ending July 26, 2023.”

“Many Canadians are only alive because of natural health products. Many more solve or manage serious health conditions with them.

We cannot pretend that taking away treatments people rely upon for their lives and/or well-being will not lead to death or suffering.”

Discussion Paper Release: 2023 Health Canada Initiatives

- NHPPA 3 Part Plan



(1) Cost Recovery; (2) New Regulatory Burdens, and (3) New
Health Canada Powers

Short Summary -
Short Summary The Canada Consumer Product Safety Act (Bill C-36): Removes The Rule of Law.
Sacrificing the rule of law leads to tyranny and loss of freedom.
Rule of law has become a dominant legal principle in free countries around the world. It is the fundamental underpinning of a free society.

The Canada Consumer Product Safety Act (Bill C-36):
Removes The Rule of Law. Sacrificing the rule of law leads to tyranny and loss of freedom. Rule of law
has become a dominant legal principle in free countries around the world. It is the fundamental
underpinning of a free society. Bill C-36 removes the rule of law for Canada's entire consumer product
industry and it's people.
Shifts Control To Bureaucrats. The Bill represents an unprecedented change in the powers of how the
state confronts the citizen. The rule of law and private property rights are all but extinguished where
consumer products are manufactured, retailed and distributed. This affects a huge sector of Canada's
economy and its citizens.
Bill C-36 exchanges private property rights for oversight by bureaucrats.
Ignores Canadian Sovereignty. International trade agreements and foreign laws can be adopted without
Parliamentary debate.
Health Canada has written out the need for approval from Canada's elected or
appointed officials in the House of Commons and the Senate. The Federal cabinet can incorporate
documents from foreign governments or organizations as law. This will fundamentally change the ground
rules for the consumer product industry and Canada's democratic process. Bill C-36 allows Canada to
automatically adopt foreign laws.
Removes Legal Rights. The real change brought about by Bill C-36 is not that it protects consumers;
rather the real change is the abolition of procedural safeguards citizens currently enjoy.
It abolishes the
rules and principles that give the Canadian consumer product industry their privilege of due process. Bill
C-36 doesn't improve your safety, only bureaucratic power.
Shifts Power from the Provinces to the Parliament. The Provinces are allowing the Federal
Government to regulate in the Provincial jurisdiction of property and civil rights.
This represents a
significant transfer of power from the Provinces to the Federal Government.
Bill C-36 has Provincial
independent control submit to the Federal Government.
Is Unconstitutional.
The search and seizure powers in Bill C-36 are probably unconstitutional for
violating the right found in section 8 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
In Canada you are
still guaranteed to be free from “unreasonable search and seizure.” 'Reasonable' is an important legal
standard. However,
Bill C-36 would grant unqualified, untrained or inexperienced inspectors judgment
calls in an area historically reserved for experts.
Bill C-36 allows unconstitutional searches and seizures
without a warrant.

NHPPA (Natural Health Products Protection Association)

Discussion Paper Bill C-17 -

One health


Mylissa’s Law passes WV Senate, now heads to governor’s desk

Passed - HB2368 - Mylissa Smith’s Law, creating patient visitation privileges

CDC Onehealth who are we

CDC's One Health Office: Who We Are | One Health | CDC
CDC's One Health Office is the agency's lead for One Health activities domestically and globally.
Established in 2009, it is the first formal office dedicated to One Health established in a US federal agency. (not really)
The office is located within the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases at CDC in Atlanta, GA.

original found on fakebook

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