🚨DTTV 160🚨 Lawyer Discusses How Frances Riots Are Linked to Canada’s Selective Political Enforcement

1 year ago

Last week on Don’t Talk TV I talked about selective politically based enforcement in Canada with respect to indecency laws and the LGBT community, specifically with the pride parade in Toronto & I talked about the dangers and had the lack of law & order that result from having a privileged class where the law applies differently. Viewers may be aware of riots ongoing in France and I wanted to comment on those as I think it links up with what I’m talking about when you have one class of people where the law doesn’t apply to them the same as it does to other members of society.

⚠️This site and its information are not legal advice, nor is it intended to be. Please consult a lawyer for advice about your individual situation. Feel free to get in touch by email or phone. ⚠️

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👉🏻 🚨DTTV 159🚨 – Three Criminal Code Laws That Ought to be Equally Applied to All Those Who Break Them…- https://youtu.be/K1AMa8sIAa8

👉🏻 🚨 Don’t Talk TV in Ottawa at the Freedom Convoy 2022 🚨 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLba4I_lkWfegrgoUJKLcs1Ly-N1nyAvDA

👉🏻 🚨DTTV 124 🚨 – Three Situations/Cases That Affect the Overall Fairness of the Canadian Justice System - https://youtu.be/_BmYoRXBNEw

👉🏻 Link A - https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-66092431

Thumbnail - Photo by Alotrobo: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-holding-a-flag-near-a-burning-black-car-2348808/

Intro Videos by Daniel Absi, Kelly Lacy, and RODNAE Productions from Pexels & Intro Music - News Runner by Daniel H. licensed via Jamendo

A special 🙏🏻 to Richard Mitchell at RAM Design Group Inc (https://linktr.ee/ramdesigngroupinc) for his public relations, communications, and crisis management services.

#TheLawIsTheLaw #France #LGBTQIA

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