OZ Fest Michigan Mission: Gotion Motion

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In Michigan we misconstrue government subsidies for economic prosperity. And yet these are foreign companies who are the recipients of corporate welfare as a Swedish company is awarded $150 million for a paper mill, and don't forget the 120 million for Ford and the EV batter plant as they lay off an additional 1000 workers. Finally there is Gotion, a CCP company that has been awarded nearly a billion dollars in subsidies and tax breaks to build in Michigan farm territory. Izzy Lyman joins Zee in this discussion.

Visit our website for articles and and more. https://studiohumanzee.com

Severed Conscience is our documentary series on how social media with AI is manipulating minds. We are kept in a state where we can no longer exercise of mental capabilities to make moral and ethical decisions. Some are so impaired they cannot interact with their environment, they are trapped in a cocoon where their fears are feed, or they are distracted by constant bombardment of information. The state of mind we call Severed Conscience.

Our series is available in its entirety at https://severedconscience.com

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