Meeting Across the River by Bruce Springsteen ~ You & Your Ego Coming Together to Find God...

1 year ago

As I have discussed with you before, Bruce Springsteen has spent his Brilliant Career writing Allegorical Songs that are most often taken directly from the Bible, in particular, the Parables of Jesus Christ, and this Stunningly Haunting and Beautiful Track is one such example...

Meeting Across the River is loosely based upon the Journey of Jacob, in Genesis of the Old Testament, whereby Jacob left all of his Earthly possessions behind, and crossed the River of his MIND, the Horizontal Divide of the Brain's Cerebrum, and entered into the Right Hemisphere of his Brain, God's Kingdom on Earth, after he Wrestled with his own EGO for a was then that an Angel of God came to Jacob and asked him if he would stop, and Jacob refused, stating that he would not stop until he had found God...

The Angel then asked for Jacob's Name, and upon hearing it, the Angel said, that is too poor a name for thee, I shall call you IS - RA - EL and you shall be gifted the Promised Land, flowing with Milk and Honey...and it was then that Jacob entered into Peniel, PINEAL GLAND, and met God Face-to-Face, and Jacob's Life was PRESERVED, as the Pineal Gland Sacredly Secretes the Life Giving, Melatonin, where Mela in Latin means the Sweetness of Honey, and Tonin is TONE...

Thus, Jacob so ALIGNED his Frequency to that of God, that he was gifted Everlasting Life, should he choose to Follow the Path that is Strait and Narrow...and THIS is what is Allegorically and Loosely being said within the Parameters of this Earthly Story of Two Men, down on their Luck, trying to turn all of their LEAD into Silver and Gold; the Alchemical Tale of the Journey UP the Strait and Narrow Way to the RIGHT HAND side of God, as One with HIM, in Heaven Upon Earth...

Eddie is the Protagonist's 'Shady' Friend, that could be best described as Loyal, but 'IFFY', and without explaining why, Springsteen makes it clear within the Song that 'Eddie' is going along for the Ride, as he is Finding them a Ride, and will not be separated from the Narrator...Eddie in Gematria = 27, and in case you were not aware of this, EGO in Gematria, is ALSO 27...Eddie is the Narrator's Ego, who HAS TO come along for the Ride, for he is the Creator of all the CHAOS in the Protagonist's Life...but, the Protagonist makes it very clear, that once the 'Job' is done, and he has 'Thrown that Money on the Bed', then HE is going to go out WALKING, ALONE, All One with God, while he reminisces that this MIRACLE all started with the words, 'Hey Eddie, can you catch us a Ride...'

When we UNITE our Mind as ONE Instrument in Alignment to God, then Everything ALIGNS within our Lives, and we Leave the Chaos of the 'Out There' World, for the Stillness and Silence of the Inner Mind, which is God's Heaven Upon Earth...Thus, Meeting Across the River is Springsteen's adaptation of the One Story, Mankind's Journey as the Prodigal Son, back Home to is the ENTIRE Born to Run Album, making it one of the Best and Most Heartfelt albums ever Created...

And the Reason why Springsteen chooses to use a Single Trumpet throughout the Song, especially through the beginning and the end of the Song, is to Boldly Acknowledge that the Protagonist is a Messenger of God (that being Bruce Springsteen), and that the entire purpose of this Journey Across the River, to the Other Side, is to Find God, as if nothing else, Hey Eddie (Ego), can you catch us a Ride???

Make no mistake about this, Bruce Springsteen is a NATIONAL TREASURE, and the Co-Creator of Pure Truth and Goodness throughout ALL of his Prolific and Brilliant Career of Goodly Service to Mankind...Bruce Springsteen IS, Kind Man...

So, Enjoy,

Love, CF

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Enjoy, Love, CF

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